Brazilian Butt Lift – Choose a Qualified Plastic Surgeon

Butt LiftThe posterior plays a very important role in defining the female body. Perky buttocks and the sensuous curve created by the waist and hips are considered signs of a feminine body. While butt implants are the conventional option, women now have a more effective, safe, natural one which uses their own fat for the augmentation – the Brazilian butt lift. It’s no wonder that celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez have attracted so much attention with their ample derrieres, inspiring thousands of other women into getting plastic surgery to enhance their booty.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), buttock augmentation is one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgical procedures. With the increase in demand, established surgical practices in cities across the U.S. offer the procedure. However, the popularity of the procedure has also resulted in emergence of cheap alternatives – butt injections using unauthorized fillers. In addition to causing serious medical problems, such injections can even prove fatal, as revealed by recent reports.

The first right step towards a safe and optimal outcome for butt enhancement is finding qualified plastic surgeon who is specialized and experienced in the performing the procedure. While avoiding the risks associated implants, the Brazilian butt lift has the advantage that it provides natural looking results.

About 11,505 gluteal augmentation with fat grafting procedures were performed in 2014, showing an increase of 15 percent from 2013. The procedure involves removing fat from the abdomen, flanks or thighs via liposuction and injecting it into the buttocks to enhance projection and contour.

When it comes to female posterior contour, the buttocks cannot be viewed in isolation. Flaws above and below the buttock can impair the gluteal projection. The waist and adjoining areas must be contoured effectively to achieve the desired results.

New York is a good place to look for plastic surgeons who have mastered this butt augmentation technique. Do your research well and choose an AAAASF-accredited surgical practice in New York City that has surgeons with expertise in performing the Brazilian butt lift. Such surgeons would first conduct a thorough evaluation to determine your candidature for the treatment. Generally, to be an ideal candidate for a fat transfer procedure, you should have donor sites from which fat can be taken. You should also be healthy, with no circulation problems. Surgeons in established NYC plastic surgery practices use advanced techniques and resources to provide optimal outcomes.