Breast Lift Surgery – What to Expect

Aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, gravity and genetics cause a woman’s breasts to sag and lose proportion. Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, removes excess, stretched out skin, reshapes the breast tissue and raises the nipple and areola to a higher, more forward location. The procedure is an ideal option to treat concerns such as drooping breasts, asymmetrical breasts, tuberous breasts, nipples pointing downward or nipple or areola located below the crease underneath the breast. With a breast lift in NYC, women can expect to achieve perkier, firmer, and more youthful looking breasts.Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery is performed using different types of incision patterns and techniques. The surgeon will choose the most appropriate method after evaluating breast size, shape, and extent of sag. The common incision patterns used in breast lift surgery include crescent lift or partial mastopexy, periareolar or donut lift, vertical or lollipop lift and inverted-T or anchor lift. One key goal when choosing the technique will be to keep the scars hidden, as far as possible.

The results of breast lift surgery are usually visible immediately. Post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade over time. The final outcome will appear over the next few months as shape of the breast and position continue to settle. Initially, the incision scars will appear red and lumpy. Even though these scars are permanent, they will soften and become thin and white within one to two years. Scars from breast lift surgery can be concealed by bras and bathing suits. AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices in NYC offer a scarless breast lift procedure that reshapes, tightens and lifts the breasts without the visible scarring associated with a surgical breast lift.

After a breast lift, your bust line will appear firmer and your bra size will be a little smaller. Following your physician’s instructions is crucial for smooth recovery and optimal outcomes. The results of the procedure are long-lasting. However, maintaining a stable, healthy weight is important to prolong the results. It is advisable to wait until child bearing is complete to have mastopexy. The breasts change during pregnancy and this can minimize or reverse the outcomes. Significant weight loss after breast surgery can also affect the results.

Choosing a surgeon who has plenty of experience in performing the procedure is essential to achieve the desired results. During your initial consultation, you should discuss your complete medical history and aesthetic goals with your surgeon. Reliable surgeons will help you visualize your results with the help of advanced 3D imaging systems. This will allow you to take an informed decision. In a reliable NYC plastic surgery practice, you can expect individualized care and support, right from the initial consultation till complete recovery.