Common Cosmetic Breast Surgery Procedures – Here Are Some Facts to Know

Cosmetic Breast SurgeryFull and beautifully contoured breasts are a great asset for women, and many women with small, flat or asymmetric breasts want to improve the appearance of their breasts. Breast augmentation possibilities are therefore a great boon to these women. On the other end, overly large breasts are also a major aesthetic concern for women. For them, breast reduction surgery is the ideal option. Understanding the increase in demand for these cosmetic procedures, select plastic surgery practices in NYC offer personalized cosmetic breast surgery procedures. If you are having any of the above mentioned concerns, consulting a qualified surgeon specialized in breast surgery is the best thing you can do. He/she would study your concerns and expectations to advise the optimal procedure that help you meet your goals.

A good surgeon would always be ready to answer any of your queries related to the procedure of your choice so that you can take an informed decision. Still, getting a rough idea about the procedure before consulting the surgeon will be good so that you can prepare related questions and get them clarified during the consultation. So here are some facts to know about the most popular cosmetic breast surgery procedures.

  • Breast implant surgery – The procedure uses implants to augment the breasts. The most popular choices include FDA-approved saline, silicone gel, gummy bear and IDEAL implants. The surgeon could help you choose from smooth or textured models from a variety of shapes and sizes. Most augmentation approaches are compatible with breastfeeding. A good surgeon can hide the scars in the body’s natural creases and these will fade over time. No breast implants have a lifetime guarantee and will have to be replaced in 10 to 15 years. After the surgery, patients can resume normal activities in some weeks. Mammograms are possible with implants but be sure to inform your technician that you had implants.
  • Breast lift surgery – The procedure can address sagging breasts and restore the nipples to a higher and better position. The surgery has nothing to do with your bra size but gives an overall lift to its appearance. Just like augmentation, the scars fade over time. You can have attractive results for small as well as large breasts but the results last more for smaller ones. There are a range of incision patterns and techniques for the procedure and the surgeon would advise the one most suitable for you. Breast feeding after a breast lift is possible in most cases. You can resume normal activities in a few days. The procedure can be combined with implants for better results.
  • Breast reduction – It reduces the size of overly large breasts and brings it to a size proportionate to your body profile. More than just reducing the size, an effective treatment can reshape the breasts. The procedure not only improves the appearance of the breasts, but also reduces the associated back pain and other physical discomforts thus improving the quality of your life. Breast feeding is possible in cases where the nipples are not removed. The procedure can be covered under health insurance if you could convince the medical reasons. You can resume your normal activities in a week or two.

There are established practices that offer a range of cosmetic breast surgery solutions in NYC. Schedule a consultation with the right surgeon, bear these facts in mind, get all your queries answered and take a good final decision.