The Incision Decision for Breast Lift Surgery

The Incision Decision for Breast Lift SurgeryBreast lift in NYC is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that addresses sagging breasts and helps women achieve a more proportionate and youthful-looking bust line. Mastopexy, as the procedure is also called, removes excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue to restore firmer, perkier breasts. Plastic surgeons use various types of incisions to perform the procedure. The type of incision used will depend on the patient’s existing breast tissue, extent of excess skin to be removed, and personal goals. As scarring is a major concern among many prospective patients, surgeons will recommend the method that will cause the least scarring.

The incision patterns used in breast lift surgery are as follows:

  • Crescent Lift: This technique is used when there is a small amount of sagging and in some instances when the breast lift is performed along with breast augmentation. The incision is made halfway around the top half of the edge of the areola either above or below the muscle. This allows the surgeon to reshape breast tissue and insert the implant either above or below the muscle, leaving only a small scar along the top of the areola. This incision can only address minimal amount of sagging. Moreover, not all sizes of implants would fit.
  • Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift: Women who experience mild sagging are often good candidates for this technique. The donut lift corrects mild sagging with a single scar which can be nearly invisible after the incision heals. A surgeon first creates a circular incision on or around the perimeter of the areola and then a second outer incision to remove the “donut” of skin around it. This procedure is commonly performed in conjunction with breast augmentation. It is effective in reducing areola size and the nipple is sutured back to the breast skin, tightening it in the process.
  • Vertical or “Lollipop” Lift: This type of breast lift incision corrects moderate sagging and provides for more extensive reshaping of breasts. This vertical lift involves two incisions: one around the edge of the areola and the other running vertically from the bottom of the areola, creating a “lollipop” shape. This is the most common type of incision pattern for a breast lift. It allows the surgeon to remove excess skin, preserve the nipple, and reshape the entire breast with easily hidden scars.
  • Inverted T or “Anchor” Lift: If you need dramatic reshaping to correct extensive sagging, then this technique is the best option. This conventional mastopexy technique allows the plastic surgeon to remove a significant amount of excess skin and sagging tissue. It involves 3 incisions: one around the edge of the areola, one vertically from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease, and one along the inframammary fold, hidden in the breast crease. Used when a breast reduction and lift are performed, it causes visible scarring, but the scars will fade significantly with proper post-operative care.

Leading NYC surgeons have developed a minimally invasive scarless breast lift that overcomes women’s concerns about scarring. Performed using BodyTite™, an FDA-approved device that uses Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) technology, the procedure can provide immediate, natural-looking results with minimal risk and downtime.

If you are considering a breast lift in NYC, find an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice with skilled surgeons. During the initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will first determine your candidature for the procedure. If you meet the necessary criteria, the surgeon will evaluate your anatomy and personal goals and determine which incision will provide you with the best outcomes. They will also help you visualize the outcomes of the procedure using advanced 3D imaging technology. This option allows patients to take an informed decisions and the surgeon to plan the procedure to provide the best results.