How Soon Can One Start Exercising After a Facelift Surgery?

Many men and women are bothered by the appearance of the signs of aging on their face -such as folds, wrinkles, lines and creases. The face is a significant part of a person’s identity. Therefore, to refine their facial features and look good, many people consider plastic surgery procedures such as face lift in Manhattan. The procedure – clinically known as a “rhytidectomy” – is performed using minimally-invasive and surgical techniques to take years off your appearance by reducing lines, wrinkles, folds, and sagging skin and offers you a more youthful, refreshed look. However, plastic surgery – be it minimally-invasive, non-invasive or surgical – is a procedure that should be taken seriously every step of the way, including the recovery period.

Facelift Surgery

Established plastic surgery practices in NYC provide both surgical and minimally invasive facelifts using advanced modalities such as BodyTite™ (radiofrequency assisted), Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted), and VASERlipo (ultrasound assisted). The minimally-invasive facelift procedure is less intimidating for patients and can provide natural-looking results when performed by a skilled plastic surgeon. Moreover, the recovery time is minimal when compared to traditional facelift surgery. Therefore, many patients will want to get back to their normal routine – which includes getting back on schedule with workouts and exercises – as soon as their facelift procedure is completed. But before you dive into any routine activities such as exercising, it’s important to know that you have to take things slowly and listen to your body – and your plastic surgeon.

Thinking how a facelift can interfere with your workout routine because through exercises you are targeting your body’s muscles, which has nothing to do with your face? Well, not necessarily, because, exercising too soon after a facelift or any other plastic surgery can result in serious complications. In fact, to enjoy a smooth recovery and quick healing, you should avoid any activity that increases blood pressure.

Strenuous exercises – that include heavy lifting, cardio or running – can strain the incision sites, increase the risk of infection, bleeding, and swelling. Even short walks or yoga can be risky, so wait until your body heals or till your surgeon says so. Following your surgeon’s exercise timeline post-op is key to reducing risks and promoting proper healing.

Let’s check out a general timeline for exercising after a face lift in Manhattan:

  • During the first three to five days after the procedure, patients are advised:
    • Not to bend down
    • To avoid strenuous exercise – such as weight lifting or any other activity that requires bending – as patients may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising.
  • Light walking is typically recommended to encourage blood circulation and healing.
  • Two weeks after the facelift, patients would begin to feel less discomfort and notice reduced swelling and bruising. Depending on the procedure, incisions and their healing, some may feel recovered enough to return to their normal routine. Get your surgeon’s approval before resuming strenuous activities. In most cases, patients will still be required to avoid heavy exercise, but can continue walking; in fact, walking may often be encouraged at this time.
  • By three to four weeks post facelift, many patients feel pretty well recovered and they can start doing light activities and may begin to add gentle stretches before or after walking to keep the muscles limber. Some surgeons may recommend avoiding heavy lifting, exercises requiring bending, and strenuous running as these activities can place too much pressure on the face and increase the risk of complications.
  • By the fifth to sixth week, many patients would get approval from their respective surgeons to resume their normal exercise routine. However, even if you start reintroducing your exercises, you should not overdo it. Take proper care, go easy on yourself, listen to your body and slowly work your way up to your former routines.

However, even if heavy exercises are postponed for a few weeks, it’s important for patients not to remain sedentary during their recovery period – even during their first few post-op days. Light walking is recommended as it boosts circulation and helps avoid complications, along with promoting the body’s natural healing process.

Also note that exercising can have great benefits in the healing process, but be cautious and remember to follow your physician’s advice regarding any workout plan to avoid any unwanted complications. After the treatment, along with your exercise routine, it is essential to take care of your skin too. Protect your skin from the sun, moisturize it regularly, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to enjoy smooth recovery and long-lasting results.

Of course, the operative technique and the skills and experience of the surgeon matter when it comes to recovering smoothly after any cosmetic surgical procedure. So, find a qualified surgeon for face lift in Manhattan. Choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice to benefit from a safe and comfortable treatment experience. Moreover, in such practices, you can expect your surgeon to discuss all of these matters at the initial consultation.

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