Achieve the Ideal Breast Volume with Breast Implant Surgery

Many women are unhappy with their breast size or breast shape. This could contribute to women having low self-esteem and confidence. Breast implant augmentation is an effective aesthetic procedure to improve breast volume. Breast implant surgery in Manhattan plastic surgery facilities can provide well-shaped, proportionate breasts, when performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon.

Breast Implant Surgery

Breast augmentation, commonly referred to as breast implant surgery, is a cosmetic surgery that entails inserting silicone or saline implants beneath the breast tissue or chest muscles to improve breast size and form. Women who desire more volume and a better contour for their breasts can approach an experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan providing breast implant augmentation. When the breasts are shapelier and fuller, it adds to one’s femininity and attractiveness. Breast implant surgery can also improve how well one’s clothes fit and look, which may increase a woman’s confidence in herself and her physique.

Get fuller and perkier breasts with breast implant surgery @ bodySCULPT!

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How Is Breast Implant Surgery Performed?

For implant placement, the incision is made under the breast, or on the outer edge of the areola, or in the armpit, or just above the belly button. Based on your anatomy and aspirations, the cosmetic surgeon will choose the optimal course of action, taking care to ensure that the scars are not visible. The implant is positioned behind the muscle, which gives it a very natural appearance, lowers the chance of capsular contracture, and makes it simpler for you to have accurate mammograms in the future. A breast lift with implants will raise your breasts, round them out, and enlarge your cup size all at once.

Different Types of Breast Implants

  • Saline implants: This type of implant is inserted into the breast pocket, and then filled with sterile salt water. Women who are at least 18 years old can undergo breast reconstruction or augmentation in NYC using these implants.
  • Silicone implants: These implants are filled with a viscous, medical-grade silicone gel that gives them a more natural appearance and feel. They are intended for use in breast augmentation and breast reconstruction on women 22 years of age and older.
  • Gummy bear implants: High-strength silicone gel is used to create these silicone gel implants. Even after being cut in half, these implants retain their structure. They have a lower propensity to ripple, fold, or wrinkle.
  • IDEAL implant: The IDEAL implant comprises a series of silicone shells that surround a structured saline core. It is specially designed to lessen collapse and wrinkling, and features two independent chambers each filled with saline. While providing the shape and softness of silicone, IDEAL implants also have an excellent safety profile.

Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery

  • Do a blood test.
  • Keep your plastic surgeon informed about any medication that you are taking.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications should not be taken as they can cause more bleeding.
  • Stop using drugs recreationally.
  • Before your surgery, pay close attention to whatever instructions your surgeon gives you so that you will recover more quickly and the procedure will go more easily.
  • After your surgery, arrange for someone to drive you home and to stay with you for at least the first night. Make sure to schedule at least three days off from work in advance. If your profession requires a lot of physical labor, you’ll probably need to take at least three weeks off.

Recovering from the Treatment

  • For at least six months, refrain from sleeping on your side and stomach.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications.
  • After the surgery, avoid wetting the surgery site for at least three to five days.
  • After the operation, refrain from wearing underwire bras for at least 6 weeks.
  • Avoid engaging in activities such as leaping, sprinting and the like since they may cause the stitches to rip and the implants to move.
  • Wear a bra with adequate support.
  • Purchase bras that will fit the changing size of the breasts as they will change after the treatment. Use a sports bra when exercising as well to shield your breast implant and stop the stitches from rupturing.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle to retain the results of the treatment in the long run.

Replacement of Breast Implants

Contrary to popular belief, breast implants do not need to be routinely taken out and replaced. Unless you experience difficulties due to dissatisfaction with the original results, a change in breast size, aging, capsular contracture (hardening of the breast tissue surrounding the implant), rupture, or deflation, there is no need for a follow-up procedure or to replace your implants.

The FDA advises using medical imaging to check the integrity of the implant starting at three years and then every two years after that.  While silicone gel can seep into the breast tissue or possibly other regions of the body, saline being natural is absorbed by the body. Additionally, leaks in a traditional silicone gel implant involve “silent rupture” and can only be found by an MRI scan. However, women can now more easily detect rupture with the more recent IDEAL implants by merely looking in the mirror.

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that generally results in high patient satisfaction. However, the risks and potential negative effects of having breast augmentation surgery must be carefully considered. Consult an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss all of your needs, wants, and concerns. Breast implant surgery in Manhattan is followed by individualized care based on a careful analysis of your anatomy, breast tissue, and aesthetic objectives and assists you in achieving beautiful, natural-looking results.

Considering Breast Implant Surgery? bodySCULPT Is Your Ideal Destination!

At bodySCULPT, you can undergo breast implant surgery to get perkier breasts. We provide advanced 3D simulation platforms that let patients preview their potential outcomes and make an informed decision.

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