Can You Get Rid of Hip Dips with Surgery?

Hip dips are natural indentations along the side of the body below the hips and above the thighs. Though they are harmless they are a cause for concern for many women. Plastic surgery in Manhattan, NYC includes hip dip surgery to correct these indentations and provide you with a well-shaped, toned figure.

 Hip Dips

Hip dip surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves liposuction and fat transfer to hips. Fat grafts are placed in a way as to fill out the indentations and result in a smoother, more streamlined shape. The procedure can improve the contour of the hips.

Unhappy with your hip dips? Get hip dip surgery at bodySCULPT.

To learn more, call us today at 1-800-282-7285.

What Causes Hip Dips?

Hip dips or violin hips are the inward bend that lie immediately below the hip bone. The hip’s exterior curve appears depressed rather than rounded. The degree to which hip dips are evident depends on the breadth of the hips and the contour of the pelvis. Hip dips are typically brought on by the skin being tied to a deep portion of the thigh bone. This indentation may not even be evident to some people but is more noticeable in others.

Hips dips usually don’t respond even to a healthy and active lifestyle because of the architecture of the indentations themselves. The lack of volume cannot be addressed, so no matter how often you perform exercises that are intended to target hip dips (such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts to increase muscle mass around the thighs and buttocks), those who are genetically predisposed to having them are unlikely to see much of a change.

Correct Hip Dips with Minimally Invasive Liposuction and Fat Transfer

Surgery to correct hip dips uses both liposuction and fat transfer. Liposuction is first performed to remove fat from one part of the body (such as the lower abdomen). The extracted fat is then injected into the hips to address the indentations. Plastic surgeons in Manhattan remove the excess fat using minimally-invasive liposuction techniques such as Smartlipo, BodyTite, or VASERlipo. Donor sites include the thighs, abdomen, or buttocks.

The patient is given local anesthesia. A cannula is inserted through a small incision in order to suction out the excess fat. The is purified and injected into the hip dips to provide natural looking results.

Recovering from the Hip Dip Surgery

Though it is a minimally invasive procedure, you will likely have some soreness and swelling in the area for a few weeks after hip dip surgery as your body needs time to recuperate. Take the pain medications prescribed by your surgeon and follow their post-op care instructions diligently.  While you might be able to resume your regular activities in a few days, you might need to wait a few weeks before engaging in more demanding physical activity. Seek medical advice on the ideal time to start exercising again.

Hip dip surgery with fat transfer in NYC can have significant and lasting effects. But keep in mind that the process won’t completely alter your body composition. The full effects of the fat graft won’t be apparent for several months.

Correct those hip dips and achieve an hourglass figure with hip dip surgery.

To learn more, contact us at @1-800-282-7285.

If you are considering hip dip surgery to achieve more symmetrical hips, make sure to have the procedure performed by an expert for optimal results.