Facelift: What To Expect From The Procedure

Many men and women are bothered by the appearance of signs of facial aging such as folds, wrinkles, lines and creases. Skin changes and changes in the deeper soft tissues of the face are caused by factors such as the natural aging process, lifestyle, skin type, gravity, and sun exposure. While we need to embrace our changing faces and physiques, we want to feel confident and look good, and not look as if we aged too fast. Getting a facelift in NYC can help you look as young as you feel. The procedure can take years off your appearance and provide you with a more youthful, refreshed look by eliminating facial creases, folds, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Various surgical techniques are available to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck. Incisions begin in the hairline at the temples, continue around the ear and end in the lower scalp. Contour may be reshaped or grafts placed to correct volume loss in the cheeks, under-eye areas and lips. The treatment may also include repositioning facial fat pads, lifting the muscles, removing excess fat, and rearranging the remaining skin over the uplifted contours. If you need to improve aging concerns in the neck, then another incision under the chin may be needed.

Facelift: What to Expect from the Procedure

Today, established plastic surgery practices in NYC offer both surgical and minimally invasive facelifts. Performed using advanced modalities such as BodyTiteâ„¢ (radiofrequency assisted), Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted) and VASERlipo (ultrasound assisted), the minimally-invasive facelift is less intimidating for patients and can provide very natural-looking results when performed by a skilled plastic surgeon. EmbraceRF in NYC is a new breakthrough, one-time facial contouring procedure that can address aging issues and rejuvenate the lower face and neck region safely and effectively.

Face lift in NYC – What the Procedure involves

Before your facelift, the plastic surgeon will review your medical history and look into things such as blood pressure, blood clotting, medications, cigarette smoking, drug use, allergies, scarring, and skin condition. Reliable surgeons will discuss what the surgery will involve, where it will take place, type of anesthesia used, recovery, and potential complications you need to watch out for.

A minimally invasive facelift in NYC may involve some pain or discomfort along with swelling and bruising. There are steps you can take to minimize these side effects. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications and give you instructions on when to remove any dressings or drains. You should give yourself about two weeks before resuming your routine activities. Avoid strenuous activity until four weeks post-op or till your surgeon recommends. The operative technique and the skills and experience of the surgeon also matter when it comes to recovering smoothly after any cosmetic surgical procedure.

Timing is an important consideration when it comes to having a facelift. Depending on how old you were when you had a facelift, a proper facelift should last 10+ years. If you notice mild laxity, it should ideally be corrected before it gets worse. In most cases, laxity becomes obvious between the ages of 40 and 60. Patients who get a conventional facelift before age 50 may see optimal results because they tend to have more skin elasticity.

Facelift: What to Expect from the Procedure

If you are considering a facelift in New York City, choose a plastic surgeon with extensive experience in performing the procedure. Undergoing the procedure in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery is the best way to ensure a safe and successful outcome. Reliable plastic surgeons in NYC will work closely with you to determine which technique is best for you after conducting a detailed assessment of your concerns as well as physiological considerations such as the amount of facial fat, degree of sun damage, quality and thickness of skin, extent of skin laxity, and condition of the neck and jowls.

While a skilled surgeon can provide attractive outcomes, it is important to have reasonable expectations and to remember that a facelift will not stop the overall aging process. Caring for your skin is important for long-lasting results. In addition to keeping your follow-up appointments, it is also important to take care of your skin by protecting it from the sun, moisturizing regularly, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to enjoy smooth recovery and for long-lasting results. Based on your surgeon’s advice, you can also have procedures to complement the results of your facelift surgery.