Frequently Asked Questions about the Scarless Breast Lift

Scarless Breast LiftLoss of skin elasticity due to aging and pregnancy are the main factors that contribute to sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that addresses this aesthetic concern. According to recent reports from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast lifts have grown 70% since 2000, outpacing breast implants 2-to-1. The treatment eliminates excess skin and tissue, resolves droopiness, and elevates the breasts to an aesthetically pleasing position. Unlike breast augmentation, a breast lift is mainly focused on improving the breast position and will not increase the size of your bust.

A traditional breast lift involves incisions and scarring, which makes most women hesitate to go ahead with the procedure. Fortunately, skilled plastic surgeons have come up with the scarless breast lift in NYC, a minimally-invasive technique that involves no scars.

Women considering a scarless breast lift in NYC need to make sure that they know everything about it in order to make an informed decision. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the procedure.

  • What is a scarless breast lift?

A scarless breast lift or BodyTite Perky Lift procedure can resolve sagging and restore firm, perkier breasts, without leaving any scars behind. The procedure lifts drooping breasts, tightens loose breast skin, and enhances the shape of the breasts. The highlight of the scarless breast lift is that it provides immediate, natural-looking results – with minimal risk and short downtime.

This minimally invasive scarless procedure is performed using BodyTite™, an FDA-approved device that uses Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) technology. The BodyTite electrode is applied to the treatment area, while the device’s cannula is carefully inserted beneath the skin through a small incision made for the purpose. The electrode and cannula work together to deliver radiofrequency energy that can achieve immediate skin contraction at the surface of the skin, and simultaneously increase the production of collagen to improve skin structure and tighten the skin, thereby providing a better outcome.

  • How does the scarless breast lift differ from the conventional procedure?

Unlike traditional breast lift surgery that requires general anesthesia, the scarless procedure requires only local anesthesia. It avoids the needs for IV sedation or general anesthetic associated with traditional surgery. The minimally invasive BodyTite Perky Lift involves less procedure time than the surgical breast lift. It is designed to provide results without significant downtime or weeks of recovery.

  • What are the benefits of the scarless breast lift?

This scarless technique offers many benefits:

  • Improves breast symmetry
  • Reshapes the breasts without invasive surgical methods
  • Natural looking, long-lasting results
  • Immediate skin tightening, with results continuing to improve over time
  • Improved skin structure with collagen production
  • Needs only local anesthesia, which means lower anesthesia-related risks and short downtime
  • Shorter recovery time than the traditional breast lift
  • Who is a good candidate for BodyTite Perky Lift?

You would be considered a good candidate for a scarless breast lift in NYC if you meet the following criteria:

  • Want to restore breast shape following pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Are in good general health
  • Have relatively small breasts with mild to moderate sagging that need only a small amount of lift and/or nipple elevation.
  • Have stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • Have breasts that are pendulous or have a flat, elongated shape
  • Have asymmetrical or unusually shaped breasts
  • Have not had or do not currently have breast implants
  • Want to avoid a traditional breast lift and scarring
  • Do not have a history of breast cancer or prior breast radiation
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome
  • Do not smoke
  • What should I expect during the recovery period?

In most cases, patients resume their normal activities soon after the procedure. Moderate bruising or swelling may occur around the breasts, but these side effects will subside in the coming days. You will be asked to avoid strenuous activity until healing is complete. Results vary from patient to patient based on individual considerations and are noticeable in as little as one week. Final outcomes appear in about three to six months.

New York City breast augmentation and breast lift surgery experts provide customized treatment in AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices. Do your research well before choosing a surgeon.