How Long do Gummy Bear Breast Implants Last?

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures. The procedure uses implants to improve the size and shape of the breasts. Women considering breast implant surgery in Manhattan have many options to choose from such as saline, silicone and gummy bear implants. Filled with cohesive silicone gel, gummy bear implants are well known for their stability. These teardrop-shaped, gel-based implants can retain their shape longer than traditional silicone and saline breast implants.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants


Gummy bear implants last a long time. They are made of high strength silicone gel and are an excellent alternative to round breast implants, including liquid-filled saline and regular silicone implants. Gummy bears may last for 20 years or more. However, because every patient is unique, the length of time will vary according on the person’s body and level of treatment. Most patients will eventually need surgery to replace the implants. Although gummy bear implants endure a very long time, the results of breast implants are not permanent.

Imagine having breasts that not only look stunning but also feel incredibly soft and natural to the touch.

With Gummy Bear Implants, you can achieve just that!

For more details, call us: 212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285

Advantages of Gummy Bear Implants

  • Results are natural: They can maintain their shape and stand erect because they are semi-solid. They provide natural-looking results with tops that progressively slope and bottoms that are full.
  • Less likelihood of leakage: These implants have a reduced propensity to ripple, fold, or wrinkle. There is very little danger of leakage because they are filled with thick silicone gel.
  • Negligible chance of capsular contracture: Putting the implants in a pocket beneath the pectoralis muscle reduces the chance of capsular contracture and improves mammography visibility.
  • Shaped anatomically: They come in a range of teardrop forms and anatomical shapes to fit the body and are made to retain their shape.

Signs that Implants has to be replaced or removed

Breast implants don’t officially have an expiration date, but don’t last a lifetime. Saline or silicone implants typically survive between 10 and 20 years. However, in many cases, they are removed earlier because of difficulties or aesthetic issues. Up to 20% of patients have their implants removed or replaced within 8 to 10 years.

Reasons why breast implants may need to be removed:

  • Hardening: Around one or both implants, many people develop capsular contracture, or hardened scar tissue. Additionally, it may result in abnormal aesthetic changes to the breast as well as tightness, discomfort, and sensitivity. The same breast may experience hardening more than once in specific circumstances.
  • Burst of saline (leakage and deflation): A saline breast implant will start to deflate like a balloon if it ruptures due to a tear or hole in the implant’s shell. Your body will reabsorb the saline that leaks out of your implant. This leak may occur suddenly or gradually over the course of several days. It’s possible that the deflation won’t be noticeable until all of the saline flows out. The damaged breast will shrink and change significantly in appearance from your other breast. Breast implants rarely rupture.
  • Silent rupture: Implants made of silicone may rupture.  The gel frequently remains inside silicone implants or the surrounding scar tissue when they rupture.  As a result, silicone implant ruptures frequently go unreported. Signs of such silent implant rupture include depletion in breast size, asymmetry, stiff knots, and soreness, or tenderness. Symptoms include tingling, swelling, numbness, and burning. Some implants fail right away, some after a few years, others after ten years or more.
  • Palpability and rippling: Rippling is when an implant develops ripples or wrinkles. When you touch your breast, you will be able to feel these ripples. This is known as palpability. These alterations can occasionally be detected through the skin as well. You might want to think about replacing or removing your implant if you notice or feel wrinkling.
  • Positional change: Breast drooping occurs as you age and is not stopped by breast implants. Still, the effects of gravity will manifest. The breasts can stretch and sag as a result of weight increase and loss. You might also observe that your nipples now point in opposite directions than they did previously or that one of your breasts hangs lower than the other.

How Gummy Bear Implants are Safer than Other Implants

A breast implant is made up of a filler substance and an outer silicone shell. Most breast implants are filled with saline solution or silicone gel. Breast implants have undergone extensive testing and are declared safe.

A silicone shell and silicone gel filling are both components of gummy bear breast implants. The main advantages of gummy bear implants over conventional silicone implants is that feel naturally soft and retain their shape over time. These implants are also more resilient than other silicone gel and saline types. One of the main risks of silicone implants is that if they rupture, the gel will leak into the breast tissue body. With gummy bear breast implants in Manhattan, this risk is lower because of the nature of the gel.

Regular examinations will be prescribed by your plastic surgeon to ensure that your implants are still in the proper location and have not ruptured.

Breast implant surgery in Manhattan uses highly cohesive gummy bear implants, which are well-known for their exceptional strength and stability.

Looking for breast implants that offer a natural, soft, and beautiful result?

Discover the incredible benefits of Gummy Bear Implants and unlock a new level of confidence and satisfaction.

Email us to learn more.