Recovery Timeline For Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery or mastopexy is an increasing popular cosmetic surgical procedure. It is an ideal solution for saggy breasts caused by factors like aging, massive weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breast lift surgery in NYC can address this concern effectively and restore that youthful position. The procedure also tightens the tissues and removes excess skin and raises the nipple and areola to a higher and more forwarded position. The steps involved in the procedure are same in every case, though recovery would depend on the technique used and other individual considerations.

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery in New York City is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. Plastic surgeons use different types of incision patterns and techniques to lift the breasts, such as:

  • Crescent lift or partial mastopexy
  • Donut lift or periareolar
  • Lollipop lift or vertical lift
  • Anchor lift or inverted-T

The plastic surgeon will determine the suitable option after evaluating the patient’s anatomy. The procedure will leave scars and experts will take care to place the incisions in locations that are naturally discreet.

If you are considering breast lift surgery, you should start preparing for it at least two weeks in advance:

  • Stop smoking
  • Should stop medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, herbal supplements, fish oil and so on as they increase the risk of bleeding
  • Arrange a family member or friend to drive you back home
  • Don’t drink or eat anything at least for 12 hours before the surgery
  • Relax and sleep at least for seven hours on the night before the procedure.

You should have a clear idea about what to expect after the procedure. Here is the timeline for recovery:

After The Procedure

In the days following the breast lift surgery, you may experience light to moderate pain. This can be managed with the help of medications prescribed by your surgeon. The surgical dressings and drains will be removed. Your surgeon will recommend using a compression garment or sports bra to support healing and enhance results. Follow your surgeon’s instructions on when to shower after the surgery.

1 Week after the Procedure

By this time, the intensity of the pain will have eased. However, there moderate bruising and swelling may persist. If you have a desk job, you can get back to their work during this time. In this initial phase, surgeons recommend doing light daily activities and exercises to improve blood circulation. Avoid doing strenuous tasks during this phase of recovery.

2 Weeks after the Procedure

Most patients feel normal and are able to perform daily activities without feeling much pain. However, it’s important to avoid vigorous exercise and strenuous tasks. By this time, the incisions might heal completely.

4 Weeks after the Procedure

With the wound healing completely, most patients return to their normal routine life. It’s important to avoid sports like golf, tennis and so on as they particularly target the chest.

6 Weeks after the Procedure

Six weeks marks the end of the recovery process. The swelling and bruising usually resolves completely by this time. You will be able to resume your vigorous workouts and perform heavy tasks. You can now sleep on your abdomen and sides and wear normal bras.

After the breast lift surgery in New York City, your bust line would appear firmer and your bra size will be smaller than the size you normally use. It is important to maintain stable and healthy weight for long-lasting results.

Choosing an experienced surgeon is crucial for the success of breast lift in New York City. You should feel comfortable to discuss your aesthetic concerns with your surgeon. In a reliable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center in Manhattan, NYC you can expect personalized care and support until complete recovery.

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