Role of Drains in Tummy Tuck Surgery

If you are bothered by abdominal fat that refuses to respond to diet and exercise, consider getting a tummy tuck in New York City. The procedure removes stubborn fat that has accumulated in the midsection due to factors such as excessive weight gain, pregnancy or genetics and provides you with a trimmer, tighter shape. In addition to addressing excess abdominal fat and skin, the procedure tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. Performed using FDA approved, minimally-invasive advanced liposuction devices such as BodyTite, Smartlipo Triplex or VASER lipo, a tummy tuck offers all the benefits of a traditional abdominoplasty, but with greater efficiency and less downtime.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

When plastic surgeons discuss recovery after tummy tuck surgery, a common concern that patients have is about drains. Drains are often placed to remove excess fluid and blood from the body that accumulates after tummy tuck surgery. The drain is a small tube that is temporarily attached to the body with sutures for a few days post-op.

During the tummy tuck procedure, a large abdominal flap is created as the skin and fat are separated from the underlying muscle. The body produces a type of fluid called serous fluid to promote healing, which can accumulate between the skin and muscle. If this happens, complications can occur, such as seroma – a sterile collection of fluid under the skin that often looks like a small lump. Though a small seroma is not dangerous, it can feel tender or sore. On rare occasions, an additional procedure will be performed to remove a large or painful seroma.

Drains are placed at the end of the procedure to avoid the formation of seromas. Usually, two drains are usually placed beneath the skin post tummy tuck to help remove serous fluid and any residual blood that may be present. These temporary drains reduce the risk of complications caused by fluid accumulation, reduce swelling or inflammation, and support the healing process.

Even if your tummy tuck is performed using minimally invasive techniques, drains are necessary. Usually, the drains are left in place anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Your surgeon will evaluate your progress during your post-op appointments and determine whether the drains can be removed. Generally, most patients have their drains removed about a week after their surgery.

Patients must take proper care for the incision sites and drainage tubes in the days following surgery. Minor swelling and bruising are common after this procedure which will subside in a few days. Though recovery time will vary depending on various factors such as the type of tummy tuck procedure you had, age, and medical conditions, in most cases, the recovery period ranges from 2-4 weeks. Following your surgeon’s advice diligently can make recovery faster and smoother.

Generally, tummy tuck results last many years if you put in the right efforts to maintain your outcome. As weight changes and pregnancy can affect the results, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to preserve your results.

If you are considering a tummy tuck in New York City, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has plastic surgeons who are skilled in performing the procedure. The right surgeon will be ready to answer all your questions related to the treatment and after-care.

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