Scarless Arm lift – Get Beautiful Arms without Surgery

Scarless Arm liftBat wings” or sagging skin under the arms is a major concern among many women. Caused by factors such as excessive weight loss, heredity, and natural aging, flabby upper arms most often do not respond to even rigorous diet and exercise. Advances in technology and plastic surgery techniques now make it easy to get rid of that excess fat with a scarless arm lift. NYC plastic surgeons perform the procedure using the minimally-invasive BodyTite™ radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) platform. Unlike the traditional invasive arm lift technique with longer recovery time, this advanced technology allows you to achieve the well-shaped arms you desire without scars and extensive down time.

Previously, traditional invasive arm lift surgery or brachioplasty was the only option women had to address upper arm flab. But now, the FDA-approved BodyTite device allows the surgeon to reshape the arms a toned and youthful look with minimal side effects and discomfort.

As BodyTite radiofrequency-assisted liposuction is minimally-invasive, arm lift surgery can performed under local anesthesia. The procedure involves delivering a controlled amount of energy to treated tissue, liquefy the fat, and tighten the skin – without any scarring. The plastic surgeon will insert the BodyTite radiofrequency probe through a small incision made on the skin of the upper arm. The radiofrequency energy gently liquefies the unwanted fat cells quickly, allowing them to be easily removed using a cannula. The procedure simultaneously tightens the skin and coagulates the tissues, which helps the surgeon sculpt the arms to achieve the ideal shape. The procedure requires only a small incision, it is virtually scarless.

A good candidate for the scarless BodyTite liposuction in NYC would be a person with sagging upper arms, but good skin elasticity and a stable weight. Down time is minimal and recovery faster and easier than with the conventional technique. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions on exercise and other matters after arm lift surgery.

As the BodyTite scarless arm lift involves a specialized liposuction technique, it is important that you choose a plastic surgeon who is an expert at it. An experienced surgeon can provide you with effective, long-lasting arm contouring results.