What Are the Benefits of a Facelift?

The face is a significant part of a person’s identity and for that reason, many men and women are bothered by the appearance of signs of aging such as folds, wrinkles, lines and creases. If your face looks tired all the time, it can drain your self-confidence. Today, more and more people are relying on cosmetic surgery to address their facial aesthetic concerns. A facelift in Manhattan can help you look as young as you feel. Clinically known as a “rhytidectomy”, a facelift can take years off your appearance and provide you with a more youthful, refreshed look by reducing line, wrinkles, folds, and sagging skin.

Minimally-Invasive Facelift Options for Youthful Facial Rejuvenation

Traditional facelift surgery involves the use of various surgical techniques to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck. However, as it involves general anesthesia, and long downtime and recovery, surgery is intimidating for most patients. This has led to the development of minimally-invasive procedures with small incisions, minimal surgical trauma and scarring, less downtime, and quick recovery. NYC surgeons perform facelifts using minimally-invasive modalities such as BodyTite™ (radiofrequency assisted), Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted) and VASERlipo (ultrasound assisted). When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, these procedures can provide very natural-looking results.

Benefits of a FaceliftFacelift surgery can restore the elasticity of the skin and help remove crease lines or wrinkles, which become visible on the skin as a sign of aging or due to the effect of stress, UV rays, or gravity. Although it cannot halt the normal ageing process, the treatment can remove the excess fat the jowl area and tighten the underlying tissues. A face lift in Manhattan can turn back the clock on your appearance in several ways:

  • Removes unwanted fat and tightening the skin with natural looking outcomes
  • Improves facial contour
  • Removes crease lines, especially between the corners of the mouth
  • Redefines and tightens the neck
  • Addresses a “turkey neck”
  • Tightens facial muscles
  • Improves mid-facial sagging and restores lost volume
  • Enhance self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Creates a youthful and energetic appearance

In addition to Smartlipo, BodyTite and VASERlipo, expert plastic surgeons also use other advanced minimally-invasive facial rejuvenation options that involve hardly any downtime while providing dramatic results.

By lifting the facial skin, tissues and muscles, face lift surgery at established plastic surgery practices leaves your skin looking firmer, tighter and fresher. When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon results can last for ten years or more and can make you appear ten to fifteen years younger. Timing is also an important consideration when it comes to long-lasting results of a facelift. A proper facelift should last 10+ years, depending on how old you were when you had a facelift. If you notice mild laxity, it should ideally be corrected before it gets worse. In most cases, laxity becomes obvious between the ages of 40 and 60. Patients who get a conventional facelift before age 50 may see optimal results because they tend to have more skin elasticity. Moreover, though cosmetic surgery in Manhattan is performed using safe and effective modalities, the operative technique and the skills and experience of the surgeon and how you take care of your skin will impact the outcome.

In established plastic surgery practices, patients can choose between surgical and minimally invasive facelifts based on their needs. If you are considering a facelift in Manhattan, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has surgeons who have the specialized skill required to perform this procedure. This is important for customized treatment and optimal, long-lasting results.