10 Anti-Aging Foods to Support a Vibrant Lifestyle


As we age, the food we eat can significantly impact our health, appearance, disease risk, and quality of life. Our bodies depend on a diverse range of nutrients to support the natural aging process. Certain nutrients have the potential to contribute to the deceleration of aging indicators, and especially enhance skin health. The inclusion of …

What are the Best Foods to Fight Inflammation?


Chronic inflammation develops over months to years. A person’s diet plays an important role in causing chronic inflammation. The immune system becomes activated as digestive bacteria releases chemicals that may spur inflammation. The types of bacteria that fill our gut and their chemical byproducts vary according to the foods we consume. Certain foods encourage the …

What are the Best Foods to Eat if You have Glaucoma?


According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, glaucoma affects more than 3 million people in the United States and about 60 million people worldwide. A leading cause of irreversible blindness among people above the age of 60, glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is usually related to high pressure …

Eight Healthy Foods To Include In Your Diet During Summer

Healthy Foods

A typical summer disorder, dehydration occurs when the fluid leaves your body as sweat and is not replaced. Children and older adults are more susceptible to dehydration. Dizziness or lightheadedness, dry mouth, lips and eyes, headache, and fatigue are the common signs of mild dehydration. To preventing dehydration in summer, drink lot of fluids and …

5 Foods That Can Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Protect Your Skin

Everybody loves the summer and looks forward to outdoor activities and sports, but most people tend to overlook the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays. Over-exposure to the sun can cause eye problems, skin spots, premature wrinkles, sunburn, and more. In our previous blog, we discussed tips for protecting skin from harmful rays of …

Foods to Avoid & Foods to Include in Your Diet for Good Skin Quality

Skin Quality

It is important to first realize that skin is not just an aesthetic entity. It is the largest organ in the body that covers your muscles, bones, and other organs. When any problematic changes happen in your skin, that means something is happening beneath the skin surface and you need to alter your beauty routine. …