How To Achieve Long-Term Weight Loss

 Long-Term Weight Loss

Gaining excess weight or obesity is a nightmare for most people. Lifestyle and food habits are the common reasons for excessive weight gain. Losing weight is a challenging task. Some people try strenuous exercise and strict diets while others might try pills and supplements that boost fat burn. The key to a healthy weight is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are different methods to burn fat and reduce weight.

Methods for Effective Weight Loss

1) Eat a high protein diet

Consuming a protein-rich diet would reduce your appetite as well as promote burning of fat. Studies show that taking high-rich protein foods reduce risk of excess body weight and obesity. These foods increase the feeling of fullness and reduce hunger. When you plan your daily diet, include high-protein foods like meat, sea-food, eggs, legumes, tofu, dairy products and so on.

Likewise, it is also necessary to consume vegetables and limit the intake of  high calorie foods and carbs as these will increase fat deposits.

2) Exercise

Performing physically demanding workouts can burn fats easily. Exercises like lifting would benefit you in particular. They help burn calories and slow down your metabolism. In addition to lifting, cardio exercises like walking, jogging, running, cycling and swimming also help reduce weight.

3) Try Intermittent Fasting

Rigorous fasting is not good for health and may have a negative impact on your body. Today, Intermittent Fasting (IF) has become a popular trend. This type of fasting involves regular short-term fasting or an eating pattern that features periods of fasting and eating. It doesn’t specify which foods you should eat but rather when you should eat them. Studies show that intermittent fasting can help reduce weight more effectively than strict diets and fasting. The common intermittent fasting methods include alternate day fasting, the 5:2 diet and the 16/8 method.

4)  Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is important to manage your weight. Healthline reported on an analysis of 20 studies including 300,000 people that found a 41% increased obesity risk among adults who slept fewer than 7 hours per night. On the other hand, sleep did not account for the development of obesity in those who slept longer (7–9 hours per night).

5) Maintain a healthy, stable weight

Many people resort to strict diets and exercise regimens to lose weight. While these methods may work, following a healthy lifestyle is necessary to maintain a healthy, stable weight.

If you are looking to shed pounds, consulting a dietician can help. An expert will recommend the right option to help you lose weight and stay healthy.