Lifestyle changes to reduce weight and waist size

Lifestyle changes

A waist circumference of more than 88 cm (35 inches) in women and more than 102 cm (40 inches) in men can increase the risks of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia (abnormal amount of lipids in the blood), and cardiovascular disease ( These waist circumference measurements are associated with a Body Mass Index range between 25 and 34.9 kg/sqm. The risk of these health conditions can be reduced by following a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise along with a nutritious diet.

If you are looking to reduce waist size, you should know that It’s not possible to lose weight from only this part of your body without reducing your overall weight. Here are some simple lifestyle changes that can help you lose weight, reduce waist size, and stay healthy:

  • Have a high protein breakfast: According to a study published by The Nutrition Journal in 2015, having a high protein breakfast provides a better control of appetite throughout the day. It keeps your blood sugar levels normal and it’s more likely that you will eat less for subsequent meals. So, make sure you don’t skip your breakfast
  • Include more fruits and vegetables that contains soluble fiber, Vitamin D, and probiotics in your diet. You must avoid refined carbohydrates, processed foods, sugary products, drinking, too much alcohol, and foods that contain trans fats. Eating cashews, almonds, avocados, fatty fish, etc., are easy to digest and will boost healthy fat, which is good for the heart. Manage your sodium intake too, as too much salt causes your body to retain water and this can swell your waistline.
  • Avoid liquid calories: A study by Harvard School of Public Health researchers found evidence linking sugary drinks to weight gain and poor health.
  • Drink water before meals: Drinking water before meals decreases your appetite and you consume fewer calories. One study found that people who drank 500 ml of water before eating lost significantly more weight than those who didn’t.
  • Eat mindfully: Have your food mindfully, without engaging to other activities like watching TV or having conversations during meals, as this can make you eat more. Focus on what you eating. This can help you make better food choices that prevent weight gain.
  • Brush your teeth: Brushing your teeth or at least gargling with mouthwash after meals can limit your food consumption. Experts say that when you do this, you are less likely to snack between meals.
  • Do exercises that can reduce waist size:
    • Yoga
    • High-intensity interval training
    • Planks
    • Core-alternative knee touches
    • Core-freeze
    • Standing oblique crunch

Your results will depend on your weight at the beginning. Like, if you are overweight or you just carry a little extra fat on your waistline. Consume fewer calories than you burn and exercise regularly. Nutrition experts says that it takes a 3,500-calorie deficit to burn off one pound of fat stored in your body. Exercising daily can help you to burn up to 500 calories and speed up the weight loss process, also the calorie intake should be limited by following a proper diet. Staying motivated can help attain your weight loss goals, reduce your waist size, and boost your health.