Exercises For Lowering Cholesterol

Lowering Cholesterol

Today, high cholesterol is a common medical condition. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is actually essential for building healthy cells. However, it becomes a serious medical condition when fats deposits on the walls of the blood vessels and eventually disrupts the flow of blood through the arteries. If these fat deposits form clots they can cause serious medical conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. As high cholesterol does not have any specific symptoms, a blood test is the only way to identify its presence.

Healthy diet, regular exercise, and medications can keep the condition under control. According to the American Heart Association, high cholesterol occurs due to the lack of exercise and obesity or being overweight. Physical activity can improve cholesterol levels.

5 Exercises to Lower High Cholesterol

Exercise can work to eliminate LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by increasing HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol (good cholesterol). Losing weight also accelerates HDL cholesterol. Regular exercise can reduce bad cholesterol and improve your health. Here are five exercises that people of all ages can perform to lower cholesterol.

1)   Walking

According to the American Heart Association, walking is a good option for lowering cholesterol levels. Categorized under the category of aerobic exercises, walking can improve oxygen levels in the blood and strengthen heart and lungs. All you need for this exercise is a pair of good sneakers.

2)   Cycling

Cycling is burns calories and makes your knees flexible. You can bike to work or just for leisure. Research has found that people who biked to work faced less risk of developing high cholesterol that those who did not.

3)   Running or Jogging

Jogging and running are excellent options for people without knee problems. This activity provides a dual advantage by lowering cholesterol and helping to manage weight. Studies show more significant improvement in HDL and blood pressure levels in long distance runners compared to short-distance runners.

4)   Swimming

Like walking, swimming is also an aerobic exercise and a great choice for lowering cholesterol. It also improves orthopedic issues. Swimming for half an hour can help you to burn almost 240 calories. Swimming is also performed as high-intensity exercise that helps in effective weight management.

5)   Weight Lifting

Weight lifting strengthens and tones the muscles and burns calories. This strength-training activity can improve cholesterol levels and has a positive impact on HDL.

Keep in mind that along with exercise, diet also plays a key role in keeping high cholesterol at bay. Have your cholesterol levels checked and understand what your results mean. If your HDL and LDL levels are not what at the optimal level, follow your doctor’s advice on the lifestyle changes you should make.