Breast Lift: What Does The Procedure Involve?

Breast sagging is a common concern among many women. It is caused by factors such as pregnancy, aging or massive weight loss and is inevitable at a certain stage in life. A breast lift in NYC is an ideal option to address sagginess and achieve firm, perkier breasts.

Breast Lift

Also called mastopexy, breast lift involves tightening the tissues and removing excess skin. It can correct concerns such as:

  • Nipples pointing downward
  • Nipple/areola located below the crease
  • Tuberous breasts
  • Breasts that lack symmetry

Incision Techniques

Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and different types of incisions will be used based on individual considerations. The incision patterns used in breast lift surgery include Crescent Lift, Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift, Vertical or “Lollipop” Lift and Inverted T or “Anchor” Lift. After a thorough evaluation, an expert surgeon will choose the most appropriate technique based on various considerations such as breast size, shape, extent of sag and personal goals. The procedure typically takes two to three hours to complete.

Once your surgeon decides upon the technique and incision, sagging skin will be removed and your breasts will be lifted and reshaped to create firmer, natural looking shape. The remaining skin is tightened and the incisions are closed using either traditional sutures that will have to be removed in a week or 10 days, or dissolvable sutures that will be absorbed by the body in about the same time. Sutures are placed deep within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts.

What To Expect After Breast Lift Surgery

Bruising and swelling are the common side effects that patients should expect after a breast lift in NYC. General post-surgical instructions include wearing a support bra for three weeks, and then a sports bra for the next three months, quitting smoking, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, and so on.


The results of breast lift surgery are usually visible immediately. Patients can expect the final outcome to appear as post-surgical swelling resolves and incision lines fade over time. The shape and position of the breasts will continue to improve and settle over the next few months.

Breast lift incision scars, which are permanent, will initially appear red and lumpy, but they will soften and become thin and white within one to two years. Scars from breast lift surgery can be concealed by bras and bathing suits. If you are overly worried about scarring, consider getting a scarless breast lift in NYC.

Scarless Breast Lift

This minimally-invasive breast lift procedure is an ideal option for women concerned about the scars associated with mastopexy. Performed using BodyTite™, an FDA-approved Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) workstation, the procedure needs only local anesthesia. BodyTite reshapes, tightens and lifts the breasts without the scarring associated with a surgical breast lift.

If you are looking to have a breast lift in NYC, choose a plastic surgeon who is specialized in performing the procedure. An experienced surgeon will evaluate your anatomical considerations and determine the right option that can provide the best results for you.