Get a Youthful-Looking Bust Line with Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift SurgeryMany women experience breast sag after pregnancy, or due to aging or massive weight loss. Getting a breast lift in NYC can resolve this concern and restore firm, perkier breasts. Also called mastopexy, the procedure can also correct issues such as nipples pointing downward, nipple/areola located below the crease, tuberous breasts, or breasts that lack symmetry.

This cosmetic surgical procedure is done under general anesthesia. It involves removing excess skin, lifting and reshaping of underlying tissues, and repositioning the nipple and areola. It typically takes two to three hours to complete. The surgery is performed using different types of incisions. After a thorough evaluation, the surgeon will choose the most appropriate technique based on various considerations such as breast size, shape, and extent of sag.

Bruising and swelling are common side effects that occur after the procedure. Surgeons may recommend wearing a support bra for three weeks, and then a sports bra, for the next three months. Results can be seen right away. However, as the tissues will shift and settle for a couple of months, the scars may not fade till after a few years.

The scarless breast lift is an ideal option for women concerned about the scars associated with mastopexy, Done using BodyTiteâ„¢, an FDA-approved Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) workstation, this minimally invasive procedure can shape, tighten and lift the breast without the scarring associated with a surgical breast lift.

The BodyTite Perky Lift procedure is performed under local anesthesia and involves less downtime than the traditional option. Patients can resume normal activities soon after the procedure but should avoid strenuous activities for up to one week after the treatment.

If you are looking to have a breast lift in NYC, choose a plastic surgeon who is specialized in performing the procedure using the latest techniques. For women who have lost volume, combining a breast lift with breast augmentation can improve the outcomes.