How Breast Lift Surgery Is Performed

More and more women who want a firm, perky bustline are getting a breast lift in NYC. Factors such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, gravity, or genetics are likely to cause breast sagginess at some point of time. A breast lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to address breast sagginess. If you are considering the treatment it is important that you know what it involves.

Breast lift surgery tightens the tissues and removes excess skin. How the procedure is performed may differ slightly from patient to patient depending on the technique used and the extent of the surgery needed. However, the steps involved are basically the same in all cases. So, if you’re considering getting a breast lift in NYC, make sure you are familiar with the steps involved. Discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your plastic surgeon before moving forward. If you are cleared for the treatment, follow your surgeon’s instructions for a safe and comfortable surgical experience.

breast lift surgery

Though post-surgical swelling and bruising can be expected, it will resolve and incision lines will fade over time. The results of breast lift surgery are usually visible immediately, with final outcomes appearing over the next few months as the shape of the breast and position continue to settle.

If you are worried about scarring, consider getting a scarless breast lift in NYC. This minimally-invasive procedure reshapes, tightens and lifts the breasts without the visible scarring associated with a surgical breast lift. It is performed using BodyTite, an FDA-approved Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) technology powered device.

If you are considering a breast lift in NYC, do your research well and find an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery that has plastic surgeons skilled in performing the procedure. An expert will evaluate your anatomical considerations and provide customized treatment to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.