Innovative Nonsurgical Options to Get Rid of Unwanted Fat and Loose Skin

There are several body contouring treatments available for people who want to get rid of excess fat and loose skin. Weight gain can lead to stubborn fat deposits in various areas of the body. Loose skin develops due to excessive weight loss, aging, pregnancy, loss of elastin and collagen in the skin, and other factors. The good news is there are a variety of non-surgical options to address excess fat and saggy skin. For instance, a non-surgical tummy tuck in NYC is an excellent way to elimiate stubborn abdominal fat and loose skin and achieve a tighter, toned midsection.

Nonsurgical Options

Besides the abdomen, other areas prone to fat buildup and saggy skin include the chin, jowls, neck, eyelids, upper arms, flanks and buttocks. In an established NYC plastic surgery practice, patients can now choose from InMode’s non-invasive modalities to resolve their aesthetic concerns.


InMode EVOLVE treatment in NYC is an FDA-cleared non-surgical procedure. This hands-free technology allows remodeling of even larger body areas. It utilizes unique bipolar technology to deliver radio-frequency (RF) energy and electromagnetic pulses to the area to be treated. Multiple areas, including the arms, abdomen, hips, flanks, buttocks, thighs, and knees, can be treated at the same time. A non-surgical tummy tuck procedure performed using Evolve can:

  • Tighten the skin
  • Tone the muscles
  • Treat adipose tissue or fat cells

This all-in-one platform offers three proprietary non-invasive technologies that allows customized treatment for different body types:

EVOLVE Tite: EVOLVE Tite is an effective skin remodelling solution that can provide effective results with 30-60 min weekly sessions over a 6 to 8 weeks period.

EVOLVE Trim: EVOLVE Trim is designed target cellulite. Your plastic surgeon will recommend the number of sessions you would need based on your specific concerns.

EVOLVE Tone: EVOLVE Tone is designed for muscle toning and suitable for different skin types.

These treatments do not involve incisions or scars, are painless, and come with no downtime. Patients can return to their normal activities immediately after their procedure.


BodyFX is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes RF energy. It distributes heat to the deep tissue to reduce appearance of cellulite in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and flanks. The procedure melts away the abdomen fat, tightens lax and sagging skin and contours the body. It provides long-lasting results and it is a great alternative to traditional invasive liposuction.

If you are concerned about unwanted fat or loose skin, consider consulting a plastic surgeon in NYC. Discuss your goals with the surgeon. After confirming your eligibility for body contouring treatment, the surgeon will recommend the best option helps you achieve your goal of an attractive, well-shaped body.