What You Should Know About Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction is one of the most common procedures performed by plastic surgeons in NYC. Many men are opting to have breast reduction surgery to addresses gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts. Per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), over 24,000 men underwent this procedure in 2018 which is increase of over 22 percent since 2000. Gynecomastia may cause social anxiety and physical discomfort. Male breast reduction in Manhattan can provide a natural-looking, firmer male chest.

Male Breast Reduction

What Causes Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, the over development of the glandular tissues of the male breast, is a common condition in men. Apart from the embarrassment and social anxiety the condition can cause, overly large breasts can result in neck, shoulder or back pain and also make it difficult for men to exercise and perform other activities.

Obesityand hormonal imbalance can cause gynecomastia. Shift in hormonal balance – an increase in estrogens or decrease in androgens – occur during puberty or with aging. The condition also can be triggered by certain prescription drugs like steroids, or excessive smoking. When men gain weight, fatty tissue fills out the breast which make it heavier and also stretch the skin and muscles that support the breast tissues. Weight reduction cannot resolve the problem as some of the fat will remain in the chest area. Gynecomastia treatment addresses enlarged male breasts by eliminating the unwanted fat and tightening the skin.

The Procedure

Gynecomastia treatment or male breast reduction provides you with a more natural male chest contour and restore your self- confidence. Advancement in technology have brought forth a wide range of plastic surgery options to perform the breast reduction procedure and sculpt the male body. Plastic surgeons in Manhattan utilize minimally-invasive liposuction technologies such as BodyTite and Smartlipo Triplex to remove the excess fat and tighten skin. BodyTite is a radiofrequency assisted treatment, while Smartlipo features laser technology with three unique wavelengths-1064nm, 1320nm, 1440nm. These minimally-invasive modalities are popular options as they require only small incisions and can remove effectively remove the excess fat without damaging the surrounding muscle and tissue. The benefits of these technologies include minimal risks, reduced downtime and quick recovery. Surgery may be recommended to improve the appearance of the areolas.

The Boomerang gynecomastia correction technique

This unique technique can treat gynecomastia in men who have lost weight. This procedure works well when combined with comprehensive body contouring surgery. The procedure involves making a series of opposing elliptical excisions to remove excess skin.

To be a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery, you should be healthy and close to your ideal weight. Before undergoing surgery, you should stop taking anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen which can increase bleeding. It also important to quit smoking several weeks before the procedure to reduce risk of complications. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you retain your results.

Male breast reduction in Manhattan can provide excellent results when performed by a plastic surgeon with specialized training in the procedure. So do your research well when choosing a surgeon. Ensure that the surgeon is well-trained and experienced in the latest gynecomastia treatment techniques. With the right surgeon, you can be confident that the procedure will be performed safely and that you will achieve the desired results.