When Can I Get Back To Work After A Facelift?

Are you bothered by the appearance of the signs of facial aging such as folds, wrinkles, lines and creases? Then consider getting a facelift in New York City. Though a plethora of non-surgical treatments for facial rejuvenation are now available, every year, tens of thousands of men and women undergo facelift surgery. The procedure remains the most effective way to lift sagging facial tissues, reduce jowling, and eliminate sagging neck skin. Though the procedure may be performed minimally-invasive technology and comes with quicker recovery than conventional facelift surgery, patients want to how much time they’ll need to take off work and when they can get back to work.


Patients are instructed to take time off from work following a facelift or any other plastic surgery procedure as proper rest is required following the procedure, and any kind of surgery for that matter. Taking proper rest help avoid serious side effects and complications. This is the main reason why patients are advised to take off work. Reliable plastic surgery practices provide both surgical and minimally invasive facelifts using advanced modalities such as BodyTiteâ„¢ (radiofrequency assisted), Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted), and VASERlipo (ultrasound assisted). A minimally invasive facelift or a mini facelift less intimidating when compared to traditional facelift surgery, and as recovery is faster, most patients can return to work within just a few days or a week.

Depending on factors such as the physical demands of the patient’s job, how comfortable they feel with bruising and other side effects, and other aspects of their healing and recovery, at least 2 – 3 weeks off work may be needed after a full traditional facelift or a combination of extensive facial rejuvenation procedures.

However, when you return to work is completely up to you and your plastic surgeon. Generally, after a facelift in NYC, patients feel ready to resume work somewhere near the end of the second week of recovery. But each patient’s readiness to resume work will be depend on how they feel. Make sure you are not rushing your facelift recovery time, because the more care and attention you put into your facelift recovery, the better your facelift results will be.

A noninvasive face lift using InMode’s EVOKE treatment in NYC is a unique, totally hands-free facial remodelling procedure that uses proven bipolar radiofrequency (RF) energy to remodel the tissues and rejuvenate the face- without the hassles associated with the conventional surgery. This radiofrequency-assisted procedure provides a comfortable thermal experience with immediate and subsequent contraction and improved skin elasticity with long-lasting, remarkable results and helps to rejuvenate facial appearance by firming and tightening the skin. With a non-invasive face lift, you can get back to work soon after the procedure, as it involves no anesthesia, incisions, or downtime and come with short or no recovery time.

If you are interested in learning more about the expected recovery time after a facelift in New York City and when you will be able to go back to work after a facelift, schedule a consultation with an expert plastic surgeon in an AAAASF-accredited practice.