Best Non-Invasive Body Contouring Options To Try This Fall

Fall is when nature prepares itself to welcome winter. This is an ideal time to get your body in shape for Halloween and Thanksgiving as well as winter celebrations and family get-togethers. There are various non-invasive procedures in NYC that you can choose from to achieve your body sculpting goals.

 Non-Invasive Body Contouring

Nonsurgical Body Sculpting Options

1)   InMode EVOLVE

InMode EVOLVE treatment in NYC is an effective way to address stubborn fat in various areas of the body. Plastic surgeons in Manhattan can provide attractive body contouring results using this all-in-one FDA cleared non-invasive platform. They can effectively utilize the capabilities of this hand-free RF based technology to address adipose tissues, improve the quality of the skin, and tone the muscles. This procedure is an ideal option to treat aesthetic concerns in the arms, abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, buttocks and knees.

InMode Evolve features three proprietary technologies:

  • EVOLVE TITE: Effective treatment for remodeling skin
  • EVOLVE TONE: Ideal treatment for treating body and cellulite
  • EVOLVE TRIM:  Use for improving the definition of muscles

The advantages of InMode EVOLVE include:

  • Provides slimmer, more youthful appearance with no downtime
  • No anesthesia
  • Is performed as lunchtime procedure
  • Multiple hand-free applicators and adjustable belts allow the surgeon to treat various areas on the same time
  • Real-time monitoring of temperature
  • Can be customizes to meet patient needs and goals
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Addresses lax skin
  • Stimulates the production of collagen

2)   BodyFX

This nonsurgical procedure uses radiofrequency energy to tighten saggy skin and improve the appearance of the cellulite. This procedure is suitable for both men and women. The major advantage of this treatment is that it can eliminate adipose tissues permanently and tightens the skin. BodyFX contours the body by melting excess fat, tightening saggy skin and improving the quality of the skin. This procedure is ideal to treat aestheitic concerns in various areas such as the abdomen, back, love handles, hips and thighs. Like Inmode EVOLVE, Bodyfx in NYC is also a lunch time procedure. The advantages of Bodyfx treatment include:

  • No downtime
  • You can resume work life immediately after the procedure
  • Minimal to no discomfort
  • Long-lasting results
  • Smooth body contouring effects
  • Minimal risk of complications
  • No anesthesia

If you are considering one of these non-invasive procedures in NYC, choose a plastic surgeon with extensive experience and expertise in the field.