Innovative Body Contouring Procedures Available in NYC – A Comparison

Body Contouring Procedures in NYCDespite strenuous diet and exercises, many people find that localized deposits of fat persist in many areas such as the tummy, preventing them from achieving their ideal body contour. The good news is that body contouring in NYC can address this problem. Advancements in this field of plastic surgery have resulted in innovative techniques that provide optimal results with minimal surgical trauma and shorter downtime than traditional procedures.

Tummy tuck and Coolsculpting in New York City are two different procedures that expert NYC plastic surgeons offer to reduce unwanted fat deposits in the abdominal area. When performed by a skilled surgeon, both procedures can provide optimal results. A reliable surgeon will evaluate your anatomical and other considerations and recommend the most appropriate option. The following table provides an idea about these body sculpting treatments and the differences between them.





What the Procedure Does An FDA-approved, non-invasive technique that destroys unwanted fat by freezing it. Also known as abdominoplasty, it removes excess fat and sagging skin in the abdominal area and tightens the muscles.
Surgical or Non-Surgical


  • No surgical incisions
  • Requires no anesthesia
  • Surgical
  • Requires anesthesia. Mini tummy tuck may be performed under local anesthesia using techniques such as Smartlipo, BodyTite or VASERlipo.
Areas Treated Eliminates fat effectively from areas such as the chin, neck, abdomen, flanks and thighs. Shapes up the abdomen and tighten the tummy muscles after fat removal.
Procedure Method An applicator is used to deliver controlled cooling to the targeted fat which causes the fat cells to die. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the dead cells. Liquefies and removes excess fat deposits from under the skin, slimming and reshaping specific areas of the body.
Time taken for treatment 1 to 3 hours: may vary depending on the number of areas treated at a session 2 to 3 hours.
  • Noticeable and lasting results
  • No incisions
  • Patients can stay active during the treatment
  • No downtime
  • Removes excess skin and tightens the abdomen muscles
  • Eliminates stretch marks
Recovery Time As there is no downtime, most patients usually resume regular activity immediately after the procedure. Some swelling and bruising may occur.

2-3 weeks off from work.

  • Eliminates 20% – 25% of fat at one treatment session and more sessions may be needed to improve outcomes.
  • Noticeable results in 6-8 weeks.
Significant results can be achieved in a month and results generally improve over the next three months.
Won’t do
  • Not a weight loss treatment
  • Will not tighten the skin, though patients with good quality, elastic skin may experience natural tightening effects.
Not an option for weight loss or a solution for obesity.

If you are considering bodysculpting in NYC, choose a reliable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center with expert surgeons who will provide customized solutions to meet your specific goals.