The Right Approach to Cosmetic Surgery

More and more people are opting to go under the knife to meet their cosmetic goals. If you intend to have an elective cosmetic surgical procedure, it is important to ensure that you are doing so for the right reasons and have realistic expectations.

Dos and Don’ts of Cosmetic Surgery

Here are some important dos and don’ts:

  • Have realistic expectations: Don’t dream of achieving something impossible. For instance, expecting to look younger should not be your goal. Similarly, you should be having the treatment to please someone else or to attract or keep a partner. Don’t expect it to transform you into an entirely different person. What plastic surgery can do is make you look better.
  • Ensure that you are physically fit: One important prerequisite for aesthetic surgery is that the candidate should be healthy and physically fit. Leading a healthy lifestyle is necessary to attain a healthy weight and also to maintain the results of the treatment. Moreover, experts recommend that one should think about going under the knife only be a last resort when methods such as dieting and exercise fail.
  • Do your research: This is important to learn as much as you can about the treatment and also to choose the right plastic surgeon and practice. Make sure the surgeon is well-qualified and has experience in performing the particular procedure you are interested in. Having the treatment at an AAAASF-accredited surgical practice is important for patient safety.
  • Don’t try to emulate someone else’s looks: A good surgeon will not encourage patients to aspire to resemble someone else – like a celebrity. Every person’s features are distinctive and cosmetic surgery can help improve on them.
  • Don’t overdo things: Exaggerated results are unattractive. If you are having breast augmentation, your plastic surgeon can guide you on making the right choice of implant/method to suit overall body proportions and for natural looking results.
  • Value your inner beauty equally: In your quest for external beauty, don’t forget that your internal beauty is equally valuable. Remember that physical beauty is enhanced with good manners, generosity and a pleasing personality.

Don’t rush into cosmetic surgery – weight all your options carefully to make the right decision.