Top Tips For Fast Recovery After VASER Liposuction

VASER lipo in NYC is an advanced, minimally-invasive body contouring procedure that uses ultrasonic energy to gently break down and remove stubborn fat without harming the surrounding tissues. VASER Lipo also tightens the skin and preserves the viability of the extracted fat for use in fat transfer. The procedure is minimally-invasive, and involves far less scarring, bleeding, swelling, and bruising than traditional liposuction. For smooth recovery and optimal outcomes, patients need to diligently follow their plastic surgeon’s post-op instructions.

vaser lipo

To speed up the recovery, make sure to follow all of the surgical team’s post-operative instructions. For a safe, comfortable experience and optimal results, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that provides the service of skilled plastic surgeons with extensive experience in performing VASER lipo.