Why Winter is the Ideal Time for Breast Augmentation

Breast AugmentationWomen choose to have breast augmentation in Manhattan for different reasons such as to improve size, correct asymmetry, and make their bustline look firmer and rounder. The procedure involves inserting breast implants under the chest muscle. Though there is no specific time for having cosmetic surgery, but the expectation of summer, when woolen clothes are replaced with swimwear and short dresses, get women thinking about liposuction and breast augmentation in winter.

When it comes to breast augmentation surgery, timing is important. Winter is a great time of the year to give yourself the best opportunity to recover from the procedure. So, if you are considering cosmetic breast surgery, here are some reasons why you should consider having it in winter:

  • Lots of free time: During the colder months, people tend to have fewer work commitments and social obligations. You have plenty of free time to rest and relax and this makes winter an ideal time for plastic surgery recovery.
  • Ensures time for full recovery: Each patient recovers differently from breast augmentation surgery, but it would generally take 2 to 3 months for the swelling to resolve and for the final outcome to be seen. Considering breast augmentation in winter will give you time for full recovery.

    If you are looking to reveal your new appearance in summer, it’s advisable to focus on recovery and give yourself a few extra months to rest. It’s common for people to take some extended vacation time after the holidays to simply stay inside until spring or because business slows down. There are many holidays during the winter months and you can give your body the rest and relaxation it needs for a full and speedy recovery. With fewer activities throughout the colder months, you’ll be able to focus full-time on recovery without pushing yourself too hard. After all, the ultimate success of your breast augmentation in Manhattan will depends on successful recovery.

  • Winter clothing hides incisions and scars: Many women want to ‘cover up’ for some days after having breast surgery in order to hide their surgical incisions while they’re still healing and hide swelling (which one would probably experience for a few weeks after the procedure). Some patients they find that their implants look much more natural once they have “settled”, which takes time. All these concerns can be easily addressed by having the procedure in winter. Winter clothes protect delicate skin and also conceal any areas of redness or bruising. Keeping incisions covered while they are healing is an essential step toward minimizing scarring from breast augmentation.
  • Can avoid restrictions on swimming: Many women have breast augmentation to get bikini-ready. After the procedure, patients are asked to avoid swimming and submerging in water for six weeks to prevent post-surgical infection. Whether it’s a pool, a hot tub, a lake, or the ocean, water can transmit infection and disease. So patients are advised to avoid the water until they’ve sufficiently healed. If you have breast surgery in winter, you can avoid such restrictions.
  • Helps avoid sun exposure: One of major post-operative instructions given to you will be to avoid over-exposure to the sun. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are harmful to the skin, especially treated skin. Prolonged exposure to the sun can delay healing, so having the procedure in winter keeps you from exposing your skin to the sun. Daylight hours are shorter in the fall and winter, and because temperatures drop, we tend to limit our time outside. This further protects the skin from UV rays.

Trained and experienced plastic surgeons in AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery centers offer breast augmentation in NYC. An expert surgeon will help you preview your outcomes using superior 3D technology. This will allows you to work with your surgeon to achieve the best outcomes.