Foods to Eat and Avoid After Chin Liposuction [INFOGRAPHIC]

For men or women concerned about double chin or submental fat, chin liposuction is the solution. Chin liposuction in Manhattan, NYC eliminates a double chin by removing excess fat, tightening saggy skin, and contouring the chin and neck area. Skilled plastic surgeons perform chin liposuction procedures using minimally-invasive technologies such as laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex, radiofrequency assisted BodyTite and ultrasound assisted VASERlipo. These safe energy-powered techniques remove fat effectively and tighten the skin with minimal trauma to the tissues. The treatment comes with short downtime and recovery.

After the procedure, eating the right foods is important for fast, smooth healing and recovery and optimal results.  Make sure you have a clear idea about what you can and cannot eat after chin liposuction. Along with following the right diet, drinking enough water and staying hydrated is necessary for smooth healing. Strictly follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions.

If you are considering chin liposuction in Manhattan, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center that has qualified surgeons with extensive experience in performing the procedure.

Check out the infographic below

Chin Liposuction