How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, gravity and genetics can cause a woman’s breasts to sag and lose proportion. Getting a breast lift in NYC is a great option for women who want to address these concerns and achieve firmer, perkier, and more youthful looking breasts. The procedure, also called mastopexy, removes excess, stretched out skin, reshapes the tissue, and raises the breasts to a more attractive position. One of the concerns among women who have the procedure is as to how to make the results last.

According to Mayo Clinic, breast lift results might not be permanent, because as you age, it’s natural for your skin to lose its elasticity. Some sagging might occur — especially if you have larger, heavier breasts. Maintaining a stable, healthy weight can help you retain your results.

Check out the infographic below to learn about this procedure:
Breast Lift