What Are The Advantages Of A Breast Lift? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Breast sagginess, usually the result of factors such as aging, excessive weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding, is a major aesthetic concern for many women. Fortunately, the condition can be addressed by getting a breast lift in NYC. This cosmetic surgical procedure, also known as mastopexy, can resolve this concern and restore firm, perkier breasts.

Performed under general anesthesia, breast lift surgery involves removing excess skin and lifting and tightening the surrounding tissues. The procedure also involves repositioning the nipple and areola. Different types of incisions are used to perform breast lift surgery and it typically takes two to three hours to complete. The initial results of this procedure are usually visible immediately and the final outcome will appear over the next few months as the shape of the breast and position continue to settle. One of the unique advantages of this procedure is that it can be combined with either a breast reduction procedure or breast augmentation.

Check out this infographic to learn about the benefits of a breast lift.

Breast Lift