Brazilian Butt Lift Manhattan – Importance of Choosing a Qualified and Experienced Plastic Surgeon

Brazilian Butt Lift ManhattanThe Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has become a popular cosmetic surgical procedure among American women. Pioneered by Brazilian plastic surgeon Ivo Pitanguy who died recently, the treatment adds volume through fat transfer and helps women achieve a curvy posterior without the use of implants. This butt augmentation procedure is available in leading plastic surgery practices in Manhattan and choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is critical for patient safety and optimal results.

The procedure involves removing fat from other areas of the body and injecting it into the buttocks. A reliable surgeon will first perform the standard history-physical and other appropriate workup to determine if the woman is a good candidate for the operation. Ideal candidates include those in good general health and have enough fat and an appropriate body type that will allow harvesting of sufficient fat. This is important to bring about a noticeable change to the buttocks with fat transfer. The latest techniques allow fat to be removed from even some slimmer patients for an effective BBL.

First, liposuction is performed to remove fat from the patient’s abdomen, hips, or thighs. The fat is then cleaned and processed, and injected into the butt. Multiple injections may be needed to achieve the desired results. Though the treatment is fairly straightforward and safe, it can cause fat necrosis or hardening and pain if not performed properly. Such complications are rare when BBL is performed by a surgeon who is experienced in the procedure.

Tumescent liposuction is used in all cases, where a saline solution is used to deliver the medications to the donor site. Minimally-invasive techniques may be used for lipolysis, which will reduce pain and trauma to the surrounding tissues. An expert surgeon would perform the procedure carefully to harvest a good amount of fat from the average patient. Candidates should discuss their goals with the surgeon at the office consultation beforehand so that the desired outcome can be achieved. An experienced surgeon knows that not all of the fat that is injected will survive. So for women who want prominent results, a good amount of fat in the order of several hundred CCs or even more would be injected per buttock.

If you are considering having your Brazilian Butt Lift in Manhattan, choose an American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) accredited plastic surgery practice. In practices with surgeons who are experienced in performing the operation, patients can expect proper care as well as comfort and privacy. Surgical equipment, medications, and the overall environment of the facility would comply with the stringent safety standards prescribed by the AAAASF, and federal laws and regulations. Surgeons in reliable practices also provide patients with post-surgical instructions and end-to-end care to promote a smooth recovery.