Why Breast Reduction Can Be Beneficial for Some Women

There are many women who prefer an augmentation procedure to achieve rounded and ideally contoured breasts, and other women who are looking for a breast reduction treatment. This is when they find that their oversized breasts are creating physical and emotional concerns. Yes, excess fat and skin in the breast area can make women’s breasts unattractive and create considerable discomfort. More than just appearance issues, many women find it difficult to actively participate in their daily activities with big breasts. A reduction mammoplasty can help restore an attractive bust line and a more natural breast contour.

As a woman’s exercise capacity is considerable reduced with oversized breasts, it can even be a cause for obesity. The physical discomforts associated with the condition include chronic neck, back and shoulder pain; poor posture; shoulder grooving; chest wall pain; headaches; numbness and tingling of the hands; shortness of breath, rashes under and between the breasts and in the bra strap grooves, sleep disturbances, and low exercise tolerance. Occasional discomforts if any can be treated with physical therapy, heat packs, massage, chiropractic and anti-inflammatory medications. However, when it is severe and with persistent symptoms, women have a permanent solution only with breast reduction surgery.

The procedure effectively removes the excess fat, tissue and skin to make the breasts more proportionate to the body. Many studies based on the procedure outcome have highlighted the benefits offered which include enhanced physical functioning, improved lung function, reduced headaches, improved quality of sleep, pain relief, improved skeletal stability, and improved breast visualization on mammography.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons says there are more than 90,000 reduction mammoplasty procedures performed every year. The positive psychological effects are the highlights of the surgery and most women are very satisfied with the results. Those undergoing the surgery can resume normal activities within 6 weeks after treatment and the complete results can be experienced in a few months.