Benefits Of Getting Plastic Surgery In Winter

Timing is a significant factor to consider if you are thinking of undergoing plastic surgery. Winter is the perfect time of the year to undergo your desired procedure. Body sculpting procedures requires perfect planning as well as a proper recovery period. This recovery period can last anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. The possibility of staying at home during the winter season gives you the extended time you need to heal and emerge refreshed. You may not want to have to see people and interact with them as you recuperate, which makes the winter season perfect to schedule your procedure.

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Why Winter is the Right Time for Plastic Surgery

Winter is the ideal time to get tummy tuck and breast augmentation surgery, both procedures which need considerable amount of time for recovery. Nobody wants to stay indoors in summer waiting for the scars to heal. Having these cosmetic surgical treatments in winter is ideal, especially as you stay indoors and take rest. If you have a stressful job, for example, taking a vacation would be a good idea, giving you the time to undergo a procedure and recover before you get back to work.

Key Reasons Why Winter Is the Optimal Time for Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery

  • More time for recovery: Rest and downtime are important parts of recovery when it comes to plastic surgery. Whether breast augmentation surgery, buttock enhancement or liposuction, recovery will vary from 2-3 weeks to 3 months. Winter holidays make it convenient for you to recover from the procedure you undergo. You can enjoy indoor activities you love and make your recovery period pleasant.
  • Ensure proper post-surgery care: To adhere to your surgeon’s post-surgery instructions, you need to stay indoors as much as possible and avoid strenuous activities. You may need to wear compression garments, depending on the cosmetic procedure you undergo, for at least the first few days post-op. Moreover, you may need assistance with your daily tasks such as showering and getting dressed. During the holiday season, it is easier for you to plan for these requirements.
  • Limited sun exposure: During recovery, plastic surgeons may recommend wearing a broad-spectrum high SPF sunscreen every day, to protect your skin. This is because the sun’s ultraviolet rays are damaging to the skin, and can be especially harmful to new skin. Sun damage also leads to discoloration, prevents scars from smoothing as intended, and causes the risk of improper healing. In winter, the sun’s UV is not as high as it is in the summer season, and the days are much shorter. So, there are limited chances for overexposure to sun. The cooler temperatures can help soothe the swelling and bruising associated with surgery, while the hot summer would irritate swelling.
  • Conceal scars under thick layers of clothing: Another advantage of getting plastic surgery in winter is that the cold weather allows for easier concealment of your surgery’s recovery effects. Some visible scars, bruising, swelling, or redness may last a bit longer until complete recovery, which can be easily covered with winter long sleeves, hoodies, loose sweaters and scarves, until you recover. Heavier clothes can also easily disguise bandages or other surgical dressings.
  • More flexibility: Close to summer, there may be an increasing number of people looking to schedule the plastic surgery procedure they want so as to be ready to hit the beach and enjoy summer fun activities on time. It makes sense to get ahead of any late winter or early spring rush you. When you decide to undergo your chosen cosmetic procedure in winter, you get more flexibility as regards the scheduling of the procedure. The plastic surgeon will be able to arrange a time that works best for you. This is especially important if you plan to undergo a procedure that may require a longer recovery period. Plastic surgeons are likely to be more heavily booked during spring and early summer. This means they have less availability. You have more options for appointments that suit your schedule by getting your procedure done before the busy season.

5 Winter Plastic Surgery Procedures for a Bikini-Ready Summer Body

  • Breast augmentation – Breast augmentation surgery in NYC is performed using FDA-approved saline, silicone gel, gummy bear implants or IDEAL IMPLANTS. Composite procedure involves injecting autologous fat over the implant, which offers the advantages of improved projection, better cleavage and thus a softer, natural look.
  • BBLULA – Brazilian Butt Lift under local anesthesia (BBLULA) can provide you with a fuller, curvier posterior. Invented by bodySCULPT® plastic surgeons – Dr. Spero Theodorou and Dr. Christopher T. Chia – this relatively short procedure allows patients to heal faster, and get back quickly to their normal routine. This effective procedure comes with short downtime, minimal complications or risks for the patient, and offers natural-looking outcomes.
  • Facelift – Facelift in NYC is ideal to address wrinkles, folds, and lines in the face that often occur due to factors such as aging, genetics, degradation of skin or sun exposure. This minimally-invasive procedure slows down the effects of aging, restoring a youthful appeal and providing more attractive, noticeable results within a short period of time. Facial rejuvenation can be done using BodyTiteâ„¢ (radiofrequency assisted), Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted), or VASERlipo (ultrasound assisted) modalities. Skilled plastic surgeons also perform non-invasive facelifts using innovative technologies like InMode EVOKE and FORMA. EVOKE treatment can remodel and contour the face, neck, chin and cheeks/ jowl areas.
  • Tummy tuck – Tummy tuck surgery in Manhattan, NYC or abdominoplasty is an effective procedure to get rid of stubborn tummy fat and achieve a firm and toned abdomen. Skilled plastic surgeons perform different types of tummy tucks – mini abdominoplasty, complete tummy tuck, and liposuction-only abdominoplasty. The procedure can be performed using advanced body contouring technologies such as – Smartlipo Triplex, BodyTite, or VASERlipo.
  • Arm lift surgery – Arm lift surgery in NYC is a great option to get rid of loose, flabby upper arms. This minimally-invasive procedure removes excess fat and tightens the skin. The scarless arm lift procedure is performed using BodyTiteâ„¢ on arms (ArmTite). This FDA-approved device utilizes patented RFAL (Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction) technology to melt and remove fat and tighten the skin simultaneously.

With non-invasive face and body contouring procedures, the recovery period is short. You can achieve your aesthetic goals without incisions and surgery, and with little to no discomfort or downtime. Whether you are considering a Brazilian butt lift or breast augmentation surgery in NYC, make sure to choose an experienced plastic surgeon with experience in performing the particular procedure. In an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility, plastic surgeons use the latest minimally-invasive and noninvasive technologies that provide surgical quality results.

Embrace the winter season to transform your body.

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Winter is vacation time and you can get your procedure discreetly without your colleagues noticing. Having your treatment when the holidays start would help you recover fully by the New Year and you can make a fresh start with a refreshed look.