BodyTite Liposuction – Before and After Photos (Patient 10)

Here is the journey of a 50-year-old female patient who underwent BodyTite/Morpehus8 procedure. Using BodyTite and Morpheus8, our plastic surgeon reduces body fat and tightens the skin, so that patients can achieve their desired figure. While MORPHEUS8 is designed for smaller areas, MORPHEUS8 body is for larger areas and deeper tissue treatments.

For this patient, the BodyTite device was used to remove excess fat in areas such as the abdomen, flanks, and lateral thighs.

The before photos reveal the patient’s initial appearance, showcasing the areas of sagging, excess skin, or unwanted fat. The post-operative photos (8 months after), showcase the results of the BodyTite liposuction procedure, revealing a more toned and sculpted appearance.

Every individual’s body is unique, and results may vary depending on a number of factors.

Act now and take the first step towards your transformation!

To schedule your consultation for BodyTite liposuction or Morpheus8 in NYC, contact our plastic surgeon in NYC. Call 1-800-282-7285 or send an email to

Patients living outside New York City can benefit from our virtual consultation support.