What To Eat After Chin Liposuction

A double chin or submental fat is a common aesthetic concern among both men and women. Even rigorous diets and exercises often fail to get rid of this stubborn fat. Chin liposuction in Manhattan, NYC is an ideal solution. The treatment can address a double chin, tighten the loose skin in the jaw and neck region and reshape and contour the chin. In a leading plastic surgery center in Manhattan, patients can expect customized treatment using advanced modalities. After the treatment, eating the right foods is important for faster and smooth healing and recovery and optimal results. Let’s take a look at what you can and cannot eat after chin liposuction.

Chin Liposuction

On the day, after the procedure, avoid chewy foods and eat soft or liquid foods. This should be continued for five days to one week. Surgeons generally recommend avoiding salty foods and alcohol for faster healing.

In addition to this, eat foods that are rich in protein such as lean meat, legumes, seeds, nuts, fish, whole grains, leafy vegetables, red meat and so on. Likewise, you should also take the multivitamins recommended by your surgeon. Other items to include in your diet are low fat milk and dairy, and smooth peanut butter. Drinking enough water and staying hydrated is necessary for the healing process.

Likewise, you need to exclude certain food from your diet chart after the procedure. Avoid spicy and fatty foods as they can create bloating and gas. The other food items you need to avoid include:

  • Fried foods
  • Candy
  • Baked foods
  • Sodas
  • Fast foods
  • Refined grains
  • Fatty and processed foods
  • Sugary cereals

Plastic surgeons in Manhattan perform chin liposuction using minimally-invasive technologies such as laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex, radiofrequency assisted BodyTite and ultrasound assisted VASERlipo. These safe energy-powered techniques remove fat effectively and tighten the skin with minimal trauma to the tissues, and come with short downtime and recovery.

Following your surgeon’s instructions, including dietary recommendations, is necessary for smooth and fast healing. Following a healthy lifestyle and diet is also crucial for maintaining your results.

If you are considering chin liposuction in Manhattan, it is important to choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center that has qualified surgeons with extensive experience in performing the procedure.

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