Are You A Good Candidate For Abdominal Etching NYC?

Looking to achieve a trim, toned abdomen? If even strenuous exercise and diets cannot provide the results you want, consider getting abdominal etching in NYC. The procedure a special liposuction technique that removes unwanted fat between the muscle groups to create chiseled abs or a “washboard stomach”.

Abdominal etching involves precisely sculpting the abdominal fat in both the superficial and deeper layers to highlight the natural “six-pack” lines in men and a chiseled but softer look in women. Skilled NYC plastic surgeons use advanced energy assisted technologies such as Smartlipo Triplex, VASER Lipo System, and BodyTite to perform hi-definition liposuction to sculpt the abdomen. These minimally-invasive modalities are designed to provide effective ab contouring by removing superficial fat, enhancing the underlying musculature and tightening the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed.

Abdominal etching provides good results for the right candidate.

The right candidates for the procedure are men and women who meet the following criteria:

abdominal etching

Abdominal etching may be recommended in conjunction with abdominal liposuction in NYC to enhance results.

Expert plastic surgeons perform the procedure on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, which reduces the risk of post-operative complications and minimizes recovery time compared to conventional liposuction. Most patients return to normal activities in 24-48 hours. Minor swelling is common after the procedure and will resolve soon. Wearing a compression garment as advised will help reduce bleeding and swelling, and minimize the risk of seroma. Final results will become visible within six months after the procedure or after the body has completely healed. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for long-lasting results.

If you are considering body sculpting in New York City, make sure to choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that offers the service of plastic surgeons with extensive experience in performing hi-definition liposuction procedures.