Does A Brazilian Tummy Tuck Leave Scars?

If that stubborn tummy fat has refused to budge despite your rigorous diet and exercise program, you could consider getting a tummy tuck New York City. This cosmetic surgical procedure, also called abdominioplasty, removes unwanted fat and skin, and tightens the abdominal muscles. Expert plastic surgery practices in NYC offer both traditional tummy tuck surgery and advanced options. Brazilian tummy tuck surgery is an innovative approach that provides the benefits of a traditional tummy tuck, as well as better outcomes, greater efficiency, and reduced downtime. One common question that prospective patients ask is: “Does a Brazilian tummy tuck leave scars”?

Brazilian Tummy Tuck

Be it traditional tummy tuck or advanced Brazilian tummy tuck, scars are inevitable. The traditional approach leaves a scar running horizontally across the lower abdomen from hip to hip. What makes Brazilian Tummy Tuck a unique procedure when compared to the traditional approach is that it minimizes scarring and keeps any scars as inconspicuous as possible. In fact, one of the major differences between traditional tummy tuck and Brazilian tummy tuck is with respect to the scars.

Invented by a Brazilian surgeon, Brazilian tummy tuck in New York City combines the traditional elliptical excision of excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen with liposuction. Liposuction of the entire abdomen and flank is performed through very small skin incisions with a small, delicate cannula. Importantly, unlike the traditional procedure that cause scars high up above the waist, the incision of this procedure are generally positioned very low on the pubic area or “bikini line”, allowing you to wear a low cut bikini. Excess skin is drawn down and removed, resulting in a flatter, trimmer stomach.

Overall, the Brazilian tummy tuck minimizes scarring and keeps the scars as well concealed as possible.

NYC plastic surgeons use advanced liposuction modalities such as ultrasound-assisted VASER lipo, radiofrequency-assisted BodyTite and laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex to perform this body contouring procedure. Intended to significantly reshape the abdomen and central torso, this advanced tummy tuck technique provides superior waist contouring outcomes for patients who have large amounts of loose skin and fat in the abdominal area, such as that caused by multiple pregnancies.

Usually performed under general anesthesia, the Brazilian tummy tuck usually takes about 2-3 hours to complete, and comes with reduced risk of numbness and infection. It can resolve large amounts of fat and abdominal skin and also tighten the abdominal wall. Another major benefit of this procedure is that, the same amount of skin removed in Brazilian tummy tuck is as in the conventional method, but without leaving spaces in the abdomen as the surgeon makes passages within the fat. Also, there is no need for fluid removal through drains. In established plastic surgery practices, advanced options such as ON-Q PainBuster® pain relief system are used to support smooth healing after tummy tuck surgery.

Since the treatment pulls the waist in and also gets rid of excess skin, patient can expect a smaller looking waist. Other key benefits of the Brazilian tummy tuck include:

  • Pulls up the pubic area which may have dropped due to aging or pregnancy
  • Rejuvenates the inner thighs and pubis
  • Reduces post pregnancy incontinence

Most patients recover fast, with a downtime of just 10 days, though this would depend on personal considerations and your specific treatment plan. For smooth healing and optimal results, follow your surgeon’s instructions. As pregnancy can impact outcomes achieved, women are advised to complete having children before getting the treatment.

If you thinking about getting a Brazilian tummy tuck in New York City, find a surgeon with expertise in this specific technique. As this is a relatively new and advanced procedure, it is most important to make sure that the surgeon has the necessary experience. In an AAAASF-accredited practice, you can be assured of the highest standards of care and safety.