Frequently Asked Questions about “Brazilian Tummy Tuck”

Frequently Asked Questions about Brazilian Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure performed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area and also tighten the muscles to result in a smoother, trimmer mid-section. According to the latest annual statistics report of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), a total of 130,081 tummy tuck procedures were performed in 2018 which is 328 more procedures than last year. While tummy tuck surgery is safe and effective, plastic surgeons in NYC are offering an even more advanced treatment – Brazilian tummy tuck surgery. In addition to all the benefits of a traditional abdominoplasty, this treatment offers better outcomes, greater efficiency, and reduced downtime. Here are the answers to frequently asked questions about the Brazilian tummy tuck:

  • What is a Brazilian tummy tuck?

Brazilian Tummy Tuck surgery is a combination of liposuction and abdominoplasty, the traditional elliptical excision of excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. Invented by a Brazilian surgeon, this liposculpture technique is intended to significantly reshape the abdomen and central torso. It can provide superior waist contouring outcomes for patients who have large amounts of loose skin and fat in the abdominal area, such as that caused by multiple pregnancies.

  • What is the difference between the Brazilian tummy tuck and conventional tummy tuck surgery?

Though the basic procedure and the idea are similar to the traditional tummy tuck surgery, the Brazilian technique focuses on additional areas to deliver a better outcome. This superior surgical technique can restore a smaller waist and well-shaped abdominal appearance in a way that a traditional tummy tuck cannot. It combines abdominoplasty with liposuction for smoother and more attractive results. Advanced, minimally-invasive liposuction modalities such as VaserLipo, BodyTite, and Smartlipo Triplex are used to remove the excess fat and tighten the skin. Rather than just abdominoplasty, this is an innovative waist re-contouring technique.

  • Where is the Brazilian Tummy Tuck incision made?

Unlike traditional tummy tucks that cause scars high up above the waist, the Brazilian Tummy Tuck incision is located in the lower abdomen in the area below the “bikini line.” Liposuction of the entire abdomen and flank is performed through very small skin incisions with a small, delicate cannula.

  • Will the procedure leaves scars?

Though scars are an inevitable part of any surgery, Brazilian Tummy Tuck minimizes the scarring and keeps the scars inconspicuous as possible because incisions are generally made on the bikini line. The scar is very low on the pubic area, allowing you to wear a low cut bikini.

  • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

Women who meet the following criteria may be good candidates for Brazilian tummy tuck surgery:

  • Are close to their normal body weight, but have a protruding and sagging tummy
  • Do not smoke
  • Have realistic goals and expectations
  • What are the unique benefits of Brazilian tummy tuck?

The main benefits of this abdominoplasty procedure are:

  • The surgery pulls up the pubic area that usually drops with age and pregnancy
  • Along with trimming the abdomen, it rejuvenates the inner thighs
  • Reduces bouts of incontinence that occur after pregnancy
  • With a downtime of just 10 days, recovery is much faster than the traditional approach
  • What is recovery like after a Brazilian Tummy Tuck?

Recovery time will vary depending on individual considerations and total treatment plan. Going by your surgeon’s instructions is crucial for smooth healing and optimal results.

  • Mild to moderate discomfort is common after the surgery. You will have some swelling and bruising, and may experience some tightness for the first two weeks.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions about care of your drains, taking the prescribed antibiotics, and level and type of activity that is safe.
  • Incisions typically heal in about two weeks and the swelling, in about six weeks.
  • You will be advised to wear an abdominal binder during the first week post surgery until most of the swelling resolves and a compression garment in the second week which has to be worn for 6 to 8 weeks to support your tissues as they heal.
  • You should inform your plastic surgeon if symptoms such as pain, redness and swelling take too long to resolve.

In leading NYC plastic surgery practices, the ON-Q PainBuster® pain relief system is used to help their patients recover quickly from tummy tuck surgery. The pump delivers local anesthetic continuously to the treatment site so that there is no pain for the first five days. The use of this non-narcotic automatic pump significantly reduces downtime, improves mobility, and speeds up return to normalcy.

  • When can I return to normal activities after a Brazilian Tummy Tuck?

Most of patients are able to return to work in 2 to 3 weeks post-op. However, it would take about 4 weeks to return to all normal activities and exercise.

  • How long will the results from a Brazilian Tummy Tuck last?

The longevity of the results completely depends upon how you take care of yourself. Unless you gain weight or become pregnant, you can retain your shapely figure for years to come. Expert surgeons advise their patients to begin an exercise program to maintain that new look and to increase their health and fitness beginning at week 8.

As Brazilian tummy tuck is a relatively new and advanced procedure, it is crucial that the surgery is performed by a surgeon with expertise in this specific technique in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice. The right surgeon will evaluate your considerations and goals and provide customized treatment.