Some Facts to Understand about Breast Reduction Surgery in NYC

While many women seek plastic surgery to enhance breast size and shape, many are choosing to do so to reduce breast size. In addition to impacting a woman’s appearance and self-esteem, breasts that are too large can cause several physical problems like poor posture, shortness of breath, rashes under or between breasts, etc. Breast reduction surgery in New York City can provide women with smaller, well-shaped breasts that are more proportionate to their body.  The treatment involves removing extra tissue, fat, and skin.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery in New York City is performed using cutting-edge liposuction techniques like BodyTite RFAL (radio frequency assisted liposuction) or Smartlipo Triplex. These minimally invasive techniques eliminate extra fat, tighten the skin and enhance breast contour. They come with less risks of complications, little downtime, and speedy recovery than conventional breast reduction surgery.

If you are planning to breast reduction surgery, here are some key points you should know about the procedure:

  • You need to be a good candidate: To be a candidate for breast reduction, you must be in good physical health, be old enough and have fully developed breasts, be a non-smoker or quit at least 2 weeks before the surgery, and have realistic expectations.
  • Losing weight before the procedure can help: If you are overweight, your surgeon will likely recommend that you shed a few pounds. Additional fat could make the procedure more difficult. Another justification is that reducing weight will also help losing some breast fat.
  • There may be scarring: To remove extra tissue, fat, and skin and contour the breasts, incisions are made around the areola and down each breast, which can cause some scarring. Typically, the areola and nipple join to protect the blood supply. Surgery has no impact on nipple feeling. The nipples, however, may need to be taken out and reattached in a higher position. Doing this can provide the ideal size with minimal scarring.
  • The outcomes are gratifying and long-lasting: Following surgery, you will notice lighter breasts, which will significantly improve your quality of life. In fact, many patients report feeling quite satisfied for months or even years after the treatment. Future pregnancies, however, could change the size, shape, and overall appearance of your breasts if you do decide to have more kids.
  • Breast reduction has a high satisfaction rating: As breast reduction surgery addresses cosmetic concerns and also relieves excruciating back, neck, and shoulder pain and deep shoulder grooves, patient satisfaction with the results is high.
  • Outpatient procedure: Breast reduction surgery in New York City is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia using minimally invasive techniques. However, you should have someone to drive you home from the hospital and to stay with you there overnight.
  • You may take a few weeks off from work: You must relax after the procedure, just like with other surgery. Some pain and tenderness in their breasts is common. Taking at least a week off from work is advised to allow the body to recuperate. You surgeon will also recommend wearing specially designed, supporting clothing as you heal.
  • Avoid strenuous activities until healing is complete: Patients should avoid the gym and strenuous activity for one to two months after the surgery. This includes exercising as well as smaller tasks like vacuuming or lifting heavy items.
  • Not exclusively for women: Men who have swollen breasts due to a hormonal imbalance, a condition known as gynecomastia, can also benefit from breast reduction surgery.

Your breasts will continue to change over time, regardless of how elevated they are. This is due to the fact that gravity pulls on the breasts both during and after surgery.

Breast reduction surgery in New York City results in a proportionate, attractive bust line and overcomes the problems brought on by huge breasts. Plastic surgeons will provide personalized solutions to help you achieve the best results.