Things to Know before Getting Brazilian Butt Augmentation in New York

Even if you follow a healthy diet and engage in all the recommended glute workouts, your buttocks may still not grow, at least not to the size you desire. If you are looking for a natural way to achieve curvy, well-shaped, youthful-looking buttocks, BBL or Brazilian butt augmentation in New York is an ideal option to consider. The procedure can effectively improve the appearance of your buttocks naturally using your own fat instead of artificial implants.

Things to Know before Getting Brazilian Butt Augmentation

BBL involves performing liposuction to harvest fat carefully from areas where it is abundant, purifying the extracted fat, and injecting it into the buttocks to enhance size and shape.Typical areas for fat harvesting include the axilla or armpit, the mid back or bra rolls, flanks or love handles, outer thighs, inner thighs, and abdomen.

What can BBL do?

Things to Know before Getting Brazilian Butt Augmentation in New York

Things to know to make a decision about BBL Surgery

  • If you have a small derriere, BBL can –
    • improve the shape of your bottom
    • provide better body proportions
  • It’s important to have enough fat to remove from the donor site. The candidate should have a designated donor site with a sufficient quantity of excess fat cells.
  • BBL can provide great results that you cannot expect from diet and workouts.
  • Understand what the procedure offers –
    • can boost buttock size, dimensions, and volume
    • does not use implants
    • uses your own fat for the enhancement
    • provides natural looking outcomes
  • Be ready to commit to the procedure
    • the procedure does involve a recovery period
    • be committed to following your surgeon’s post-op instructions

Brazilian Butt Lift under local anesthesia (BBLULA) is a safer alternative to traditional fat transfer buttock augmentation by eliminating the need for general anesthesia. BBLULA comes with benefits such as little or no discomfort, no hospital stay, improved safety, and more. For optimal results, make sure to strictly follow your surgeon’s instructions. Suitable candidates for this procedure are women in good overall health, with a stable weight, and are at least 21 years old. It is important to have sufficient fat and an appropriate body type to harvest an adequate amount of fat. BBL is not recommended for those who smoke.

Achieve that hourglass figure with a Brazilian butt lift in NYC!
Schedule your consultation with our skilled plastic surgeon at 1-800-282-7285!

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