What Are Some Key Facts about Vaser Liposuction to Understand?

Every year, many patients undergo liposuction procedures to target various body areas, such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, neck, knees, and upper arms. These treatments are typically performed by plastic surgeons, utilizing a range of techniques and equipment. In NYC, vaser liposuction is a cutting-edge technology that offers an effective solution for eliminating stubborn fat deposits in different body regions that may not respond to traditional diet and exercise efforts. Vaser liposuction in NYC is an ideal option for men seeking to achieve well-defined abs or a six-pack appearance and women who want a trim, streamlined physique.

Vaser Liposuction

How Does Vaser Liposuction Work?

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract. The liquefied fat can then be drawn out through a needle, resulting in less damage to nearby tissues compared to traditional liposuction.

Vaser liposuction harnesses the power of ultrasound technology to effectively break down fat cells. This cosmetic procedure is known for its controlled and gentle approach, requiring skilled and experienced plastic surgeons for optimal results. During this minimally invasive procedure, ultrasonic energy is used to both tighten the skin and remove excess fat. VASER Lipo stands out as the ideal choice for achieving a well-defined abdominal contour. Beyond its fat-eliminating benefits, this technique also excels in skin tightening. It can be applied to various body areas, including the abdomen, arms, thighs, ankles, buttocks, knees, love handles, chin, face, calves, and hips.

Are you ready to achieve a chiselled look with VaserLipo?

Call us today at 212-265-2724.

Vaser liposuction is typically performed on an outpatient basis. It involves the infusion of a saline solution into the treatment area. This solution serves to expand the tissue, facilitating the removal of fat cells. Ultrasound energy waves are employed to set the small VASER probe into vibration, effectively breaking down the fatty tissue within the treated region. Subsequently, a Vaser lipo cannula is used to extract the liquefied fat and fluid. This distinctive liposuction technique is known for its gentle and precise approach, earning it a reputation as a superior method for body sculpting.

This is a minimally-invasive procedure, as it requires only minor incisions to be made and leaves minimal scarring without the need for stitches. As a result, VASER liposuction is less traumatic than traditional liposuction, and it causes less bleeding and bruising.

Other advantages include:

Faster recovery times – you may be able to return to work in as little as 2-3 days, depending on the extent of your treatment

Selective fat targeting – the ultrasound waves only break down fat cells, meaning nearby structures such as blood vessels and nerves are less likely to be damaged

Cellulite removal – unlike traditional liposuction, VASER can remove areas of cellulite.

Who Are the Ideal Candidates?

Weight Range

Ideally, you should be within 30% of your target weight. If you happen to be overweight, consider shedding the excess pounds before the procedure, as liposuction can only remove a specific amount of fat.

Optimal Health

Your overall health is paramount. If you are not in the best health, it’s crucial to inform your surgeon. It might be advisable to postpone the procedure until your health improves. Your surgeon will conduct a thorough evaluation to ensure that any existing illnesses or conditions doesn’t hinder your vaser lipo recovery.

Muscle Condition

While not mandatory, it’s often recommended that patients have good muscle tone or are actively working to enhance it before the procedure. This can contribute to an even more favorable outcome.

Skin Quality

The condition of your skin matters. Maintaining good skin elasticity is essential for achieving the most favorable results.


Non-smokers are considered the most suitable candidates for surgery. Nicotine can restrict blood flow, significantly prolonging recovery time and increasing the risk of infections or complications. If you smoke, it’s advisable to quit before the surgery or abstain from smoking for a few weeks prior to and after the procedure.

Realistic Expectations

If you are considering Vaser liposuction in NYC, your surgeon will collaborate with you to ensure that you have a clear understanding of what to expect throughout the procedure, during the recovery phase, and in terms of your final results. An ideal candidate must maintain realistic expectations.


Post-Procedure Effects

  • Treated areas may appear bruised and swollen.
  • Immediate benefits may not be noticeable due to the healing process.
  • Expect some bleeding in the treated area for the first 24 to 48 hours.

Managing Post-Procedure Bleeding

  • You’ll need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks to reduce swelling.

Shorter Recovery Time

  • This process typically has a quicker recovery compared to traditional liposuction.
  • The procedure is gentler and causes less trauma to surrounding tissues.

Timeframe for Visible Results

  • Noticeable results become clearer after 3 to 6 months as your body adjusts to its new shape.
  • Individual variations may mean it takes longer for some patients to see improvements.


  • The effects may be long-lasting.
  • Your lifestyle choices play a role in maintaining your results.

Maintaining Results

  • Following a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise is essential.
  • It helps prevent new fat accumulation in treated and untreated areas and retain your body contouring results.

Get that toned look with Vaser liposuction.

Schedule your Consultation Now.