Who Is Not A Candidate For Breast Augmentation?

An increasing number of women are opting to get breast augmentation in NYC. Rated as one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the US, breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, improves breast volume and contour that is lost due to factors such as excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging, etc. In addition to enhancing breast volume, the procedure can correct asymmetry, and reshape the bust line to a more attractive appearance, and help women feel more confident about themselves.

Breast Augmentation

Breast enhancement is performed using FDA-approved implants – saline, silicone, gummy bear, IDEAL, and patients can choose from implants in a variety of sizes and shapes. Composite breast augmentation combines implants with fat transfer for more appealing results.

However, there are certain factors that can make a woman an unsuitable candidate for breast augmentation:

  • Age: Anyone under the age of 18 is not considered an ideal candidate for breast augmentation. In most teenage girls, the breasts can continue to develop through adolescence and well into their 20s. Getting breast augmentation surgery before full development can cause the enhanced breasts to become deformed as growth progresses. Breast augmentation is recommended only for women who have fully developed breasts.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding: It is recommended that elective cosmetic procedures be avoided during pregnancy and the same rule applies to breast augmentation. Since changes are made to the tissues responsible for secreting milk during breast augmentation, breastfeeding mothers should also not have the procedure until at least six weeks after they have weaned.
  • Infection: Though it is cosmetic in nature, breast augmentation is still a major surgical procedure and it is important for a candidate to be in good health and free of infections, or else it may interfere with the healing and recovery process.
  • Unrealistic expectations: It is important to have realistic expectations. The procedure can enhance your appearance and confidence, and you should not consider getting breast augmentation for reasons other than this. Having unrealistic expectations about the outcome can affect your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Lack of knowledge about the procedure: Breast augmentation is major surgical procedure and comes with associated risks and a recovery period. It’s important that you understand what the procedure will involve so that you can make an informed decision.

Only women who are good candidates for breast augmentation can achieve optimal results. A qualified and experienced plastic surgeon will first perform a through, personalized and comprehensive evaluation to decide if you are a suitable candidate for breast augmentation in NYC.

Generally, the procedure is recommended for women who:

  • Are bothered by the feeling that their breasts are too small
  • Are dissatisfied with their breasts losing shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss or with aging
  • Are unhappy with the upper part of their breast appearing “empty”
  • Have asymmetrical breasts or breasts that did not develop properly
  • Have breasts that have an elongated shape

They should be physically healthy, at least 18 years of age (for saline implants) and over the age 22 (for silicone gel implants), have fully developed breasts, desire an increase in breast size, and have realistic expectations.

Importantly, women considering breast augmentation need to make sure that they getting this procedure for themselves and not for pleasing someone else. “Breast augmentation is a deeply personal procedure, and it’s important that you’re doing it for yourself and not for someone else, even if that person has offered to pay for it. Patient satisfaction is high, specifically when they want the procedure themselves” says ASPS.

If you are considering breast augmentation in Manhattan, NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices with surgeons who are experts in performing the procedure. In leading practices, surgeons help patients visualize their breast augmentation results using advanced imaging technologies, such as Axis Three, Vectra 3D and Oculus Rift 3 dimensional imaging glasses. They can try out various implant options, preview the results, and take an informed decision.