Why Upper Arm Lift Plastic Surgery Procedures Are Rising

Plastic surgery is growing in popularity. Comparing the 2022 and 2019 Procedural Statistics, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) notes that cosmetic surgery procedures have grown by 19%. Arm lifts are one of the procedures that have seen a surge during this period. According to ASPS, upper arm lifts (brachioplasty) grew 23%, from 17422 in 2019 to 21,429 in 2022. The surging interest in brachioplasty or arm lift surgery in NYC can be attributed to the growing awareness of body contouring, with individuals prioritizing their appearance and self-confidence.

The ASPS report also notes that this trend indicates a “deeper pivot towards surgical solutions by those in mid-life looking to contour their bodies by targeting or lifting areas that cannot be remedied through diet and exercise”.

Gaining and losing weight, aging, and even genetics can cause fat to build up in the upper arms, giving the appearance of sagging skin. Excess skin in the upper arms can also result from drastic weight loss. The upper arm lift procedure involves addressing loose skin in the underarm region. Liposuction is used to remove extra fat and contour the arms to result in a sleek, firm look.

What is Arm Lift Surgery?

The procedure aims to reshape the upper arm’s underside from the armpit to the elbow. To create a more toned and balanced appearance, excess skin and fat are removed during surgery. It reduces excess skin, smooths and tightens tissue, and eliminates excess fat to treat sagging underarms. Your upper arms may appear more defined and toned as a result.

NYC plastic surgeons use innovative technologies such as ultrasound-assisted VASER 2.0, laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex, and radiofrequency-assisted BodyTiteTM for upper arm contouring. These minimally-invasive devices remove stubborn fat and tighten the skin while enhancing patient safety. These options are more appealing than conventional arm lift surgery because they come with short downtime and recovery.

Upper Arm Lift Surgery

How is Arm Lift Plastic Surgery Performed?

Either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation is used to perform the procedure. Incisions are made on the inside or back of the arm and can go from the underarm to just above the elbow. Excess fat may be removed surgically or via minimally-invasive liposuction. After the procedure, your incisions will be sealed with absorbable sutures or stitches that will be removed in a week or two.

After your procedure, you will notice the smoother, tighter arm contours almost immediately. Any swelling and bruises will heal over time.

 What Are the Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery?

Better Tone and Shape

One of the major benefits of an arm lift is improving the firmness and contour of the supporting tissues. Since these tissues are situated beneath the skin, the most effective way to change their firmness and shape is through plastic surgery. By reshaping and toning these underlying tissues, a skilled surgeon can enhance the appearance of the patient’s underarms significantly.

Smoother Contours and Skin

The procedure essentially modifies the upper arm’s shape, improving its aesthetic appeal.

Better Proportions

Following the procedure, you can expect to have upper arms that are more proportionate to the rest of your body.

Improved Physical Function and Reduced Discomfort

Excess skin on the upper arms occasionally causes discomfort, limits range of motion, and interferes with physical activity. By removing extra skin, arm lift surgery can enhance physical function as well as range of motion and comfort levels.

Enhanced Weight Loss Results

By eliminating extra skin and fat, the surgery can help patients who have already lost a significant amount of weight achieve even greater weight loss outcomes.

Customizable and Long-Lasting Results

A personalized treatment plan is possible, which can be customized to match the needs and objectives of each patient. As long as patients keep up a healthy lifestyle and maintain their weight, arm lift surgery results are typically long-lasting.

Preventing Inflammation

Rashes and inflammation brought on by skin folds can be quite unpleasant. It is more comfortable when the folds are gone.

 What Are the Different Types of Arm Lift Procedures?

Limited Arm Lift

Those with loose skin are best suited for this procedure. Since the incision is made inside the armpit, the extra skin is removed, and the scar or incision is not readily noticeable.

Short-scar Arm Lift

This option addresses mild upper arm tissue laxity. The T-shaped scar is used in the short-scar arm lift procedure to correct the skin on the arms. To create a toned appearance, the skin is lifted toward the armpit.

Extended Arm Lift

This procedure is recommended for people with severe skin and tissue laxity. The back of the arm as well as the inside of the armpit are cut. Upper arm tissues and superfluous loose skin are removed during this procedure.

L-arm Lift

This procedure can help those with severe arm laxity. It corrects armpit sag by excising fatty tissue or excess skin.

Just like with any surgical procedure, this surgery comes with risks of infection, scarring, hematoma, and problems with wound healing. Selecting a plastic surgeon with training and experience is crucial for reducing these risks and getting the best outcomes.

It’s essential to do your homework and speak with a plastic surgeon before choosing to have an arm lift or any other type of cosmetic surgery to find out if the procedure is right for you and to go over your particular expectations and goals. If you’re thinking about getting arm lift surgery in NYC, choose an experienced plastic surgeon and provides the treatment in facility accredited by the AAAASF.

Redefine arm contour and improve your confidence!

Call 1-800-282-7285 now to schedule a consultation for an arm lift!