Will a Brazilian Butt Lift Get Rid of My Hip Dips?

An increasing number of women are becoming concerned about hip dips. With the rise in popularity of body contouring techniques, many women are interested in knowing what treatment can be used to address this major aesthetic concern. Hip dips are natural depressions that appear where the upper thigh and hip join the pelvis. Hip dips can spoil that hourglass figure by making our hips bend inward when we want them to curve outward. Hip dips are the inward curves that emerge just below the hip bone and are brought on by bone structure rather than fat or muscle. Hip indentations can be very slight to extremely obvious. Nevertheless, a hip dip surgery can fix this issue.

Hip Dips

How Is Hip Dip Surgery Performed?

The goal of this surgery is to give you hips that are well-contoured. This treatment comprises liposuction and fat transfer, just like the Brazilian butt lift treatment. Liposuction is initially used to remove fat from one part of the body (such as the lower abdomen or thighs) and then the removed fat is transferred to the hips. Your hips get the necessary augmentation when the harvested fat is cleansed and deposited into your hip dips.

This procedure is a minimally invasive surgery that provides your hips a broader appearance. A patient’s body fat is suctioned out during the initial step of the procedure. To remove fat from areas like the buttocks, lower abdomen, or inner thighs, tiny incisions will be made through which a small cannula is inserted to extracte. After processing the extracted fat, it is then injected back into the concave region of the hip. In most cases, 60–80% of the transferred fat will be retained, with the remaining 20–30% is reabsorbed by the body.

How Do Hip Dips work with BBL?

The Brazilian butt lift, sometimes referred to as a BBL, is one of the most popular body sculpting treatments. This surgery involves employing liposuction to remove fat from certain body parts, purifying the collected fat, and then reinjecting it into the buttocks and hips. Many patients are eager to get rid of their hip dips and develop an hourglass appearance. The surgeon can add volume to the area by injecting fat right into the skin depressions that cause the dip. Liposuction is most frequently used to remove fat from the back, flanks, and abdomen and the Brazilian butt lift procedure targets both the buttocks and the hips to give the female silhouette a fully three-dimensional makeover. A Brazilian butt lift for hip dips is a long-term cure as long as patients keep their weight steady and practice good living habits. This is an ideal procedure for those who want a round derriere and also resolve their hip dips.

Recovering from the Treatment

After hip dip surgery, patients may experience side effects similar to those associated with any other surgical procedure, including as swelling and bruising, which will go away after a few weeks (depending on the sensitivity of your skin). Make sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative recommendations, which may include avoiding exercise, swimming pools, saunas, and hot tubs for a period of time, as well as keeping the treatment area dry and clean, in order to heal rapidly. The procedure’s complete outcomes often take at least 3 months to be visible, if not more.

Hip dips are a natural aspect of your skeletal structure that cannot be altered with a tight diet or exercise regimen. They might be inherited or brought on by having too much body fat. These indentations may be more obvious depending on the amount and distribution of fat across your body. Hip dips are physically perfectly acceptable. They do not pose any health risks. However, some people experience self-consciousness when their hips sink.

Consider a Brazilian butt lift in NYC if you want to fix your hip dips and also have rounder buttocks that can give you an hourglass look. They have 3D imaging software that enables you to see how your surgery will turn out. The plastic surgeons assist you in making an informed decision by educating you on the advantages and risks of the procedure. From the first consultation to treatment and recovery, they also make sure the patient is comfortable and protected while offering the support they need.