What Is The Difference between BodyTite And Traditional Liposuction? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are you considering liposuction treatment to get rid of those fat deposits which just refuse to budge no matter how hard you work out or diet? Leading New York City plastic surgery practices offer both traditional liposuction surgery and minimally-invasive options such as radiofrequency-assisted BodyTite.

Traditional liposuction removes stubborn fat pockets, but is invasive surgery performed under general anesthesia. It requires large incisions to insert a large cannula to dislodge and suction out the fat. In addition to general anesthesia increasing risk of complication for the patient, there is a significant possibility of bleeding and bruising as well as chances of dimpling or sagging skin, particularly in older patients who have lost skin elasticity.

Today, leading plastic surgeons use energy-assisted modalities to provide non-surgical liposuction treatment. BodyTite in NYC is an advanced minimally invasive permanent fat removal and skin tightening treatment. This liposuction technique uses radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) for effective fat removal and cellulite reduction with noticeable skin tightening effects.

If you are considering body contouring treatment, it is important to know the differences between these techniques.

Check out the infographics to know how BodyTite differs from Traditional Liposuction

Bodytite And Traditional Liposuction