Tips from ASAPS for ‘Cosmetic Surgery’ Gift Givers and Recipients

Cosmetic SurgeryWith the arrival of the holiday season, people are busy thinking about wish lists as well as gifting options. Giving and receiving cosmetic surgical procedures as gifts has become a popular trend during the holiday season, but American Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) says that there are some things that givers and recipients must know. Here are the recommended guidelines:

  • First, the procedure must always be self-motivated whether you pay the bill or someone else pays it. It’s not a good idea to have a plastic surgery procedure just because a dear one gifted it to you or suggested it. The decision to go ahead should be yours.
  • Not everyone is a good candidate for plastic surgery. Whether liposuction, a facelift or Botox treatment, you would need to be evaluated by a qualified plastic surgeon to determine your candidature for the procedure. People with medical issues are not considered good candidates for most cosmetic surgical treatments.
  • You need to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure that is gifted to you. It’s also crucial that you know about the risks involved as all surgery comes with potential risk of complications. Of course, with the right surgeon and the use of advanced techniques, such issues are minimal. However, you should ask your surgeon to educate you on both the benefits and risks involved with the treatment as this will help you take an informed decision.
  • If you are gifted a procedure, it is your responsibility to choose a qualified surgeon and make sure that the surgery is carried out in an accredited surgical practice. It’s important that the surgeon is experienced in performing the procedure that is gifted to you.

Having plastic surgery should be a well planned decision and not one made in haste. A self-motivated, well-informed patient is most likely to have a pleasant experience and satisfactory outcome.