5 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables To Include In Your Diet During Winter

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

During winter, the outside temperature drops and your immunity tends to fall. The chances are high that you can easily catch cold, and cough. To prevent this, it is highly essential that your immunity level should be improved. Nature brings different kinds of foods in different seasons. The fruits and vegetables that nature brings on the particular season will give you all the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs during the particular season. It is essential to eat seasonal foods because it offers the following benefits.

  • They are affordable and since they are more abundant you can stock them up.
  • They will be very tasty and healthy since they are grown under appropriate weather conditions and without any artificial influencers.
  • They have their own natural color and flavor.
  • The nutrition levels of seasonal foods are high and they are fresh.
  • They provide the nutrition required for the season.

One of the best ways to build immunity and stay healthy during the winter is to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Here are some of the best fruits and vegetables available in winter.


  • Oranges: Oranges, while not necessarily a winter crop, are always available and a good option. They are rich in Vitamin C, which is essential to stay healthy. Studies have shown that oranges are effective in reducing risk of developing cancer because it fights off the cancer causing radicals.
  • Apples: They are great for the nervous system. They contain anti-oxidants that prevent cellular death in the neurons, which enhances the performance of the nervous system. By improving your neurological health, eating apples reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s at a later stage in life. It also reduces the risk of thrombotic stroke and also of developing diabetes.
  • Pomegranate: This healthy choice is a source of fiber that helps the digestive system and is great at battling hypertension by controlling the blood pressure levels. This fruit contains tons of antioxidants that help prevent certain cancers. Pomegranate juice may also reduce joint inflammation.
  • Pineapple: Pineapple is full of Vitamin C and manganese, a nutrient that helps in formation and in regulating blood sugar.
  • Kiwis: Kiwis are full of nutrients like Vitamin C, K, E, folate, potassium and dietary fiber and provides a variety of health benefits. This fruit can support heart health and digestive health, help asthma, and regulate blood pressure. It boosts immunity and reduces the risk of disease.


  • Potatoes: According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, they are the No: 1 vegetable crop in America and the 4th most consumed crop in the world. They are good source of fiber, Vitamin C and B6, phosphorous, niacin, manganese, and pantothenic acid. It helps in brain functioning and nervous system health, improves immunity, helps in digestion, and more.
  • Carrots: Carrots are low in calories and high in nutrients. They are loaded with proteins and beta carotene, a pigment that helps to produce Vitamin A that is vital for your eye health and also important for proper growth and development.
  • Beetroot: Beetroot contains fiber, high amount of protein, minerals, and vitamins that help you stay warm and healthy. Some might say beetroot is high in sugar, but they are low in calories and contains low fat.
  • Spinach: This leafy vegetable is full of protein and fiber, and it also contains Vitamin A, C, K, magnesium, manganese, and iron. This flexible food can be used in several ways to improve your metabolism. You can eat it raw in salads, steamed, blended in a soup or smoothie, or sautéed with other vegetables.
  • Broccoli: This is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Antioxidants can prevent the development of various conditions. It contains calcium, iron, phosphorous, thiamin, zinc, riboflavin, and Vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E, K. It can offer heart protection, improves brain health and nervous tissue function. It keeps your bones strong and provides protection against age-related cognitive decline.

The best way to include these fruits and vegetables in your diet is to prepare a food chart. Eating sensibly will ensure that you get required nutrition to help you stay healthy in winter.