Simple Strategies to Pep up your Health at Work

Simple Strategies Health at WorkWorking professionals are more prone to health issues as they usually don’t have time to pay proper attention to diet and exercise. Many jobs require spending eight hours in front of a computer for five to six days a week which takes a toll on the body. Stress, eye strain, tension neck syndrome and obesity are common problems associated with desk jobs. Here are some simple strategies that can help you overcome these issues and pep up your health at work:

  • Staying hydrated is very important. Make sure that you drink at least eight to 10 glasses every day. Keep a bottle at your desk and get up and refill when it’s is empty. This way you take mandatory breaks in between, which avoids the negative effects of prolonged sitting.
  • Avoid unhealthy office snacking. Stock some healthy, nonperishable items like high-fiber cereal bars, low-fat crackers, or fruit packed in their own juice and rely on these to satisfy your snack cravings.
  • You can stay physically active even if when you’re in the office. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a short walk in the premises during the break. Rather than send a mail to a colleague seated in another area, walk to them when possible. You can even do stretching exercises while you are in the chair. In addition to burning calories, these activities reduce stress and will refresh the body.
  • Eating a healthy lunch is an important part of a balanced diet. Carry healthy home cooked food instead of fast food meals.
  • According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, tension neck syndrome (TNS) can occur when the neck and upper shoulders are held in a fixed, awkward position for long periods of time. So make sure to ease the position of your neck from time to time. You can also do simple neck exercises.
  • Long hours in front of a computer cause eyestrain. See that the lighting conditions are good and use a screen guard. Increase font size so that you can read your screen from an arm’s length away.
  • Pay attention to ergonomics by making adjustments such as getting a comfortable chair and placing the mouse and keyboard as close together as possible. See that you maintain good posture. Align your back against the chair and avoid hunching or leaning forward.
  • Spending long hours for days at a stretch to complete a project can have a negative impact on your mood and personal relationships. Advance planning and allotting work evenly can help you minimize such hassles while meeting your deadlines.
  • Stress can impair your immune system and increase the risk of illness. Take weekend vacations, spend time with your friends and family and engaging in a hobby can boost your mental wellbeing.